Wind wrote:
People with disabilities aren't generally seen in "NT" places, because it can be overwhelming. They may find enjoyment in other things, but that's not to say you won't see someone there.
People with Down Syndrome often have carers, well, pretty much guaranteed that someone with Down Syndrome has a carer somewhere in their life, and it's not the type of place a carer wants to take their client to look after them. It's not really an appropriate place where the person can keep a watchful eye of anything happening, plus bars and clubs always have some drunk person trying to pick a fight with someone. I certainly wouldn't want to take a vulnerable person there who was under my care.
not all DS adults have carers,personaly know a number of DS adults who live independantly and have jobs to, then there are people with mosaic syndrome which blurs the DS-NT line even further.
as for original topic,there are many 'proper' club nights in the UK laid on for people with learning [intelectual] disabilities such as checkers and frogtastic@the frog & bucket/comedy club in manchester.
personaly know many people with varying disabilities who go to mainstream clubs,but most have had issues with bouncers assuming theyre pissed up normies and are refused entry.
a lot of clubs dont have proper wheelchair access which is another problem in itself as they dont meet the DDA/ equality act standards but seem to get away with it, perhaps because they are listed/protected buildings and cant have lifts built in.
am a wheelchair user as well as the rest of the crap and woud give anything to go see proper DJs play like pete tong and steve lawler,but aquired profound hyperacusis put a stop to that,maybe one day and will be armed with a copy of the DDA to smack them on the nose if am refused entry for discriminatory reasons.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!