BlueBerrySnow wrote:
I have Aspergers syndrome. I'm a girl in my 20s, decent looking (I take baths regularly, dress reasonably, wear makeup most of the time, and eat healthily), and try to be friendly and nice to everyone I meet. I'll think I'm doing everything right, then I'll get a weird look or a mocking comment and I'll be like "What did I do that was so out of the norm?" I feel so alienated sometimes, because no one seems like like me even though I go out of my way to make sure everyone around me is happy. :/
i actually have a theory about this: do you notice this happens to you more/less often when you are alone? my own experience has informed me that one is much more likely to be randomly verbally harassed or otherwise publically castigated if one is female and alone. the likelihood of such encounters goes up exponentially if one is also in some way conspicuous to one's assigned gender role (dressed "masculinely", short hair, no makeup, etc). when i go out with a friend no one says boo to me; on the other hand, i've had many random unpleasant encounters with people (initiated by them) when out by myself. i noticed that it happened to me more frequently when my hair was short, as well (it's quite long now).