kraftiekortie wrote:
Honestly, I don't get why anybody would be "creeped out" by Asperger's.
I would be more "creeped out" had I found out I was a Satanist.
I think for those of us who were able to “pass for normal” always saw autism as something abnormal.
Quite honestly growing up no one ever thought that I would be diagnosed with Asperger, i’ve Always been the sterotypical over achieving student who got along with her peers and that was my normal for so long that now knowing that I fabricated ( learning to hide my autistic tendencies) a good portion of my attitudes make me feel in the simplest for terms weird.
I think for those of us who got diagnosed later on we just have a harder time accepting that we aren’t like the rest of the world. It neither a good or bad thing in my opion just something that is there.