billiscool wrote:
level 1 probaly,but Im more learning disable than Autistic.
Ummm... that's kind of like saying "I'm more autistic than autistic". What I mean by that is that autism is always a learning disability at least in terms of it's developmental delays in social behavior, and more often than not autistic people have trouble with all but a few learning settings. Some more solid scientific evidence is starting to accumulate that this is because of a deficient amygdala (your amygdala is the part of your brain that registers negative reactions like repulsion, fear, anger, depression, anxiety, etc.). Also, it seems to be a common trait amongst autistic people that they suffer in certain areas, typically areas that involve "imaginative play" thought processes (actually, if you had no trouble during the imaginative play part of your assessment then that would raise some doubt as to whether or not you're on the spectrum). Yet at the same time they often excel in other areas as a result of their ability to concentrate, because the frontal lobe in particular compensates for the amygdala. Depending on the case this can gift people with exceeding discernment, data retention, and either quick and diverse data access or excellent topical thinking (i.e. "connecting the dots").
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There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib