Dutchy wrote:
Aaaah! Facebook just changed his whole lay-out! And i'm not amused!

I hate those kind of stuff!
Why do people need to change what's good? Really don't get it! Ofcourse, there are worst things in life.
But aaaah!

Stupid people with their stupid idea's to change stuff! Just total chaos! Where's the 'dislike' button when you need it?
Not cool, facebook! Realy not cool!

Sooo, since this is out here, anyone else feels this?
They did the same with Yahoo Answers. Managed to avoid the changes for a while but eventually I just stopped using the site. Got an e-mail of them recently suggesting I check out the new site. I can't be asked.
My local supermarket got modernised in line with national policy. Been a year now but I still head for the sweets aisle to get cat food. My quest for tinned food lands me in the washing powder aisle.
I quit runescape after 10+ years when they the 'majority' wanted changes to combat. So they introduced EOC. With it came the possibility to spend real cash to improve your character.
And that is what is is all about in the end. Money. The changes might have enabled them to introduce new technology (read 'others ways of making a profit through your use of the site') but the loss of players (and they lost many) didn't matter as the ones they kept were spending real cash. Membership money kept them going for years but in the end it was about more profits.
In the case of my supermarket their changes were a catalyst to change my habits and step out of my comfort zone. Hell, they shut two weeks and the place was a building site! So I had no other choice than to shop elsewhere. And I still do and spend considerably less than I used to in their shiny 'modernised' store