Suspie wrote:
There is a type that I actually have encountered a lot on Twitter, it's basically all about themselves. All they do is whine about being autistic and about how special they are and everyone has to understand and possibly admire them. They post as if they are Mahatma Gandhi and they are enlightening all of us. Endless posts like "My autistic brain". "My autistic memory", "My autistic fingers". "I can look at a leaf for 6 hours"."A journey into my autism". People respond to them retweeting and sending replies of admiration and encouragement, and the autistic superstars are basking in the limelight, with responses of "celebrity martyrdom". "Life is tough coz I am special but hey, I made it through another day, so go me!"
I follow them and they don't follow back. I talk to them (politely) and they don't talk back. They are the stars in their one man show, the crucified Jesuses carrying their designer crosses up and down the informational highway accompanied by their constant hashtags, #aspie, #aspieroutine #aspieinseurity #aspieinsomnia etc
I go through the same sh** they go through, sometimes even more so, but I don't feel the need to turn it into a one woman show.
Why are they acting like that? Are they simply self centered and shallow attention seekers or could it be that being autistic they are not able to pay attention to anything but themselves?
I try to show compassion to them, or I unfollow and leave them be, but most of the time I want to slap them and tell them to get their heads out of their asses.
That's the whole problem with autism, it seems. How do we present the right front when we don't even know how to present a front? How do we convey the variety and distinguish between disabled persons and people who simply have a learning disability? Because it seems like it's either an immature pity party like that or we're a classic auty. "My autistic brain." "My autistic memory." I guess they get all the attention because they are the ones who crave it. I'm sure part of the reason that people in general aren't terribly aware of what it's like is because most of the normal people on the spectrum either need special care or they are closed off and not very forthcoming. Seems that you have to be in love with yourself to be a forthcoming autist, hahahahaha.
There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib