If there is one thing that nobody would ever argue, it's that I am an introvert. I score off the charts on every test for introversion and nobody would have ever doubted it. However, a major recent meltdown I had (that led to an urgent Dr visit and almost the emergency room) has forced me to accept that I may actually be more extroverted than I thought. Dare I say I might even be an extroverted Aspie!
Without boring you with details, I have been mostly alone recently and just like last time I have become completely drained. Since I starting joining groups, being more active, etc that mood and energy levels have improved drastically. I talked to my brother and what he told me shocked me to the core: I might not be introverted at all, I just suppressed my more extroverted nature growing up in order to survive and that's why I had the meltdown! All the questions on the various quizzes asked about doing things alone but never got into details about WHY I do things alone. Short answer, because I'm rigid and can't find anyone to relate to (and don't drink like almost everyone) NOT because I enjoy it.
Looking back, even though I played alone as a child, it wasn't because I wanted to but because I COULDN'T, just like someone who moved to a new country tends to stick to their own culture. In school when I was bullied and rejected, I had to learn to be 'introverted' or I would not have survived. Even though cashier work drained me, I LOVED busy Saturdays in retail and used to leap out of bed because I felt so alive. Therefore, I am forced to believe that while I though I was on the 98th% of introversion, I might actually be close to the centre of the scale. Quite a revelation if I might say so! My brother is no dummy either, he is a very well respected intellectual and knows what he is talking about.
Bottom line: the one thing I was absolutely sure of I'm not so sure of anymore.