Hi Fresco.My love,for this life,and these lives,and despair,for they're waste,continues,unabated & unassuaged
Well,Here I am again hat in hand..It seems necessary to apologise to the DORE people.
I went to an Aspergers seminar yesterday.3 speakers were a family group with a converging lineage-A.S &A.S.D. in child,parents & grandparents.They felt indebted to DORE for marked
improvements in gross & fine motor skills."I can stand/balance on 1 leg now!"They pointed out that the $2000 investment is a one-off (and worth every cent) & the skills attained r life long with continual improvement.
So balance & co-ordination problems can probably be addressed by DORE in proportion to personal levals of dysfunction.Getting assessed won't hurt much.
Yet another example of Aspergers completely case specific symptoms/treatments.
U are spot-on about eye problems.I have been wearing glasses now for 4? years at 39(year old boy).The opt. said I should have been wearing them since childhood!! !
Synchronicity?Deja vu?The family mentioned previously all wore sunglasses,however,explained they were in fact 'urban lenses' & like u,advised specialist examination.1 was sensitive to blue in the spectrum,another yellow.So off I go...
Take care .It's HELL out there.
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle