Considering I can understand what he says and how he says it, I'm quite sure this is not real. He's acting!
Reminds me of a bad humored joke. Foreign people won't know (how should they anyway!), that there is this huge debate going on in Germany for several years, which is about video games and their effect on children. And this video is about exactly this... even though it's quite... stupid.
There was this amok run once and people were all shocked and looking for the cause that made this boy shoot people in his school. All kinds of things were brought up, but most of all, it was clear that we don't want nor tolerate amok runs or children shooting children in school. People were afraid that the same things would start to happen that they knew from new abroad (from USA mostly I think) - means, children controlled for weapons before they get into school and such. This caused an overreaction.
Last year there was another amok run that everybody heard of, a boy that tried to kill teachers and other students and lastly killed himself when the police was close. He was playing video games, just like that other boy and all those boy (only boys I think) that announced an amok run. Counter strike and other games, even Final Fantasy (part 3 I think it was).
So, politician are about to ban certain games in which human figures are harmed, as they try to make us all believe (of course many worrying and scared adults do) that video games cause children to become out of control and do amok runs.
Of course, this is stupid for the most part. It's not video games, not anywhere in the world, but society. I can't decide whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that most of the worlds shares the problems today's generation show.
Why I also think he's acting: he has a seriously weird pitch in his voice that is not used in a normal situation, but in acting and false screaming. (I go for voice to read people, I'm all into music.) He makes breaks in speech, where one expects none from someone who is so angry and out of his mind. It doesn't quite fit what he says either.
The thing that aggravates me about the comments, though I have seen and heard enough of those even in the press, is that they call Germans Nazis. Hell to go for stupidness.