mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
I can't force you to get reassessed, and even if I could it would be wrong of me to do so. That being said, if it turns out you truly are autistic, but you don't know it, and you try to dive in and become "NT", you're likely going to regret it later on. If it turns out you're not autistic, and you manage to fix your own problems, then power to you.
Don't treat a positive autism diagnosis as a death sentence though. Sure they'll say that you'll have problems with certain things, blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean you can't try to improve. If anything, having a diagnosis spelt out for you can help you pinpoint the exact things you can work on, and the exact things you can let be.
Of course, I'm taking a very logical, stereotypically "aspie" approach on this. Uncertainty in and of itself is something that drives aspies like me crazy, whereas it's something NTs often don't have as much of a problem with, afaik. Being able to embrace and accept uncertainty may be the thing that proves you're an NT.
I have a weird relationship with uncertainty. When it comes to mental health stuff and certain aspects of my future I embrace it. When it comes to stuff like my sexual orientation I can't handle it all.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 82 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 124 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical