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14 Apr 2014, 10:51 pm

I've been assigned the roll by my friends & acquaintances as "the one who hates people". I don't hate people per se, I would just rather be alone. It seems like most aspies are like this in a way, preferring to be away from large groups & crowds. Though, I analyze my aversion to people a bit differently. I LOVE large crowds, like what you get in the Washington, D.C. 4th of July celebrations. I insist on going every year (even though when I think about it, its really boring :p). I LOVE being on a crowded bus or metro. I hate being at a crowded party or club. I hate being at a crowded grocery store. What's the difference? Should I hate all crowds? I think the reason for me is that I love the type of crowds where I can be anonymous and just observe the world. I hate crowds where people are likely to notice me, or possibly interact with me. Does this sound autistic? Anyone else relate?


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14 Apr 2014, 11:14 pm

Well obviously, every Aspie is going to be different; not everyone on the spectrum may have similar symptoms/preferences.

As for me, I can kind of relate. I don't mind so much crowds of people that are similar to myself, but other kinds of crowds tend to bother me.

I just hated my high school, because of how overpopulated it was. The hallways were always congested at the end of each period, and quite frankly, it just made me feel uncomfortable.


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15 Apr 2014, 12:20 am

I don't hate crowds...I just hate having to personally interact with any of the people IN that crowd.

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15 Apr 2014, 12:30 am

I don't have issue with crowds as I've been to anime con and I've seen concerts without issue, in fact I face way more problems when it comes to waiting in lines, but I'm agree with the majority so far that socializing in a crowd is the most god awful thing! It's hard to talk to anyone in those conditions.


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15 Apr 2014, 12:32 am

I don't know about others but this is one Aspie that HATES crowds, even moderate sized gatherings. 8O


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15 Apr 2014, 12:48 am

I can relate. Somehow when interations can be expexcted it's definitely a bit worse. However, I don't like crowds on buses and metro trains. I don't like noisy places and people talking around me even when they are not particularly loud. I don't like thick air in crowded places. I wondered how much of it is social anxiety and how much sensory in origin. Some of it must be that I'm being hold back due to people standing in the way.

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15 Apr 2014, 12:57 am

I don't mind crowds if I'm not interacting with them, shoulder to shoulder would probably get overwhelming pretty fast but I never had an issue going to sporting events.


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15 Apr 2014, 1:10 am

not all hate crowds, but no one can handle it, theres a diffrence,

i dont like crowds but i can stand them, but only for a bit, and then i shut down.

crowds are a huge strain for autistic people, a lot of processed and just painful sensory process all together, if be surprised if i met an autistic person who can stand in a crowd without shutting down

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15 Apr 2014, 1:44 am

It really depends on the nature of the crowd, who I'm with, what I'm doing in the crowd, and a number of other factors.

I really, really don't like to be completely penned in with no way out by a really dense crowd, or by people in general actually, but I like to dance and I know how to make my own space in a relative crowd while doing so if need be, and where there's room.
Dancing is like really intense stimming for me, so it tends to block out the worst of it, and if it gets to be too much I take a break & go outside for a bit because I always know my escape routes.

That being said, being around large amounts of people unexpectedly can be extremely upsetting and disorienting.
I had a meeting in a mall and didn't realize that's where it was, and by the time I got to the restaurant I was shaking and monosyllabic for a minute.
I never go places like that alone, and certainly not without advance warning.

Being prepared for it ahead of time seems to make it easier though, somehow.


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15 Apr 2014, 2:59 am

I could never stand crowds, even back when I wasn't so antisocial. They're just too much, that's all I can say.


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15 Apr 2014, 3:17 am

It sounds like social anxiety what you describe.

I hate crowds (close and large crowds make me have panic attacks, and busy areas make me feel dizzy and ill) and social gatherings generally. But I can stomach them (some) with much anxiety and stress. For a short period.

I wish I wasn't like that, as I like the company of others, and for the most part like people. But I get overwhelmed by it all.



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15 Apr 2014, 3:40 am

Was at football last night in a crowd of 20,000.

Don't mind being in a crowd at all if they are all looking at something else, you kind of become anonymous in a large crowd like that.

Biggest crowd I have been in was 90,000 at Wembley 3 years ago. Was so drunk I didn't know what was happening though! :lol:

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15 Apr 2014, 4:17 am

For me, it depends on the nature of the crowd. If it is jovial, with personal space, then I'll probably be fine. If it is an angry crowd...

Biscuitman wrote:
Was at football last night in a crowd of 20,000.

Don't mind being in a crowd at all if they are all looking at something else, you kind of become anonymous in a large crowd like that.

Biggest crowd I have been in was 90,000 at Wembley 3 years ago. Was so drunk I didn't know what was happening though! :lol:

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15 Apr 2014, 5:01 am

I don't really like large crowds, I can tolerate them in some situations for limited time...but yeah usually if I am in one too long I start feeling like I can't breath and then just get more and more anxious.

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15 Apr 2014, 5:05 am

Being in anyplace where it is so crowded that I am being squeezed, pushed, jostled I do not like, but that is true for most NT's also.

As others have said I don't mind a crowd where I do not have to socialize. We mostly talk about hyper sensitivity here but in most descriptions of autism I have seen they mention hypo sensitivity as well as hyper. If you are hypo sensitive you would miss body language and not mind crowds? Talking with people in a crowded area is multitasking. People with poor Executive Function would have difficulties and become tired from that.

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15 Apr 2014, 7:51 am

It sounds like you need to work out what you actually hate. it doesnt sound like you hate crowds in general, maybe something about particular crowds (drunken? noisy?) or about how you fit into that crowd (whether you have people there with you? if you have a common interest with everyone there? if you have to interact with anyone in that crowd?)