linatet wrote:
you think in pictures like Temple Grandin stated and as decribed in my intoductory post?
No, not exactly like Temple Grandin. Texture, sound, smell, vision, even taste. Predominantly visual, though.
Like if I think of a horse I think of what the horse looks like, sounds like, smells like, and feels like. Lots of thoughts have flavor associations.
also based on your posts you actually seem to be very skilled on verbal arguments
I don't understand the relevance. I am better at visual-spatial than I am at verbal, but in formal tests I score very high on both. My verbal communication (as in spoken) is a mess, though - my speech is routinely described as either circuitous or tangential which are labels for formal thought disorder, which is often associated with schizophrenia (as a positive symptom) and with autism (as a form of communication impairment). I am at my best when I communicate in writing.
But do you think in pictures or videos? It is actually different. I added a description in the introductory post.
For instance Grandin thinks in pictures, not in videos; and I think in videos, not pictures.
Temple Grandin used to think in videos, though. Not so much anymore. At least this is what she's said.