screen_name wrote:
dizzywater wrote:
Not as many people as I expected, but I wouldn't agree that hypermobility doesn't cause problems. When I dislocated joints as a child I didn't mind at all, minor inconvenience compared to anyone else who dislocated, they were injured by it, I wasn't.
Now I have early arthritis in joints that I DIDN'T KNOW were dislocating, so they were working outside the normal position where there wasn't the cartilage coating on one of the surfaces, which caused the bone and cartilage to wear away. On top of that all my joints are becoming more unstable as I get older, not just the few that used to dislocate, its very painful when they go wrong, tearing the nearby ligaments or nipping the nerves.
I wondered if the connective tissue of the brain/nervous system could contribute to autism if it is faulty, as so much connective tissue is faulty in most hypermobile folks, but I guess there are fewer women on here and men don't get the same problems with hypermobility.
How old are you? When did arthritis start?
I technically have osteoarthritis in my jaw (diagnosed when I was ~25). It used to hurt a lot, but hasn't in years. I don't know why it stopped. I don't have arthritis anywhere else.
My thumbs, wrists, knees and neck have confirmed osteoarthritis and I suspect my hips and ankles too, in my thirties which is early as far as I'm concerned for such widespread problems!
Even things like the feeling of my elbows pulling out of their sockets if I carry bags with my arms straight down turns out to be accurate, after years of being disbelieved by doctors. I had three x-rays last year for arthritis, two of the three revealed partial dislocations at the time of x-ray, which I had been convinced were normal after a lifetime of being treated by doctors who clearly thought I must not know the meaning of the word dislocate every time I said I had dislocated this joint or another.
It hasn't been studied scientifically yet, but hypermobility in joints and skin and internal organs has been noted by various doctors to run in the same families and same individuals as autism, reading up on it is my current obsession, it could be a clue to at least one possible cause of autism, many soft tissues can be affected by collagen abnormalities, including the brain and the blood supply to it.