"You're so smart."
Omfg I heard that way too often growing up.
Still do on occasion.
My response: "Maybe, but that's never been particularly useful or helpful for me."
What good is it to be smart but not really motivated or driven to do anything in particular with it?
Sure, it's fun at parties, and lately I've actually gotten some work because of it which is nice but not steady.
For the most part though, it just makes me blurt out random info, correct people, argue with people, and generally act arrogant and like a smartass/knowitall.
Not that I'd want to not be smart... It's just that it's not as helpful, useful, or practical as most people seem to think, and there are whole areas that I'm completely inapable of understanding, even though intellectually I can, with effort, patience, and time, but there's a disconnect that prevents me from really understanding some things on a deeper level.
It's why I'm incapable of drawing, painting, etc, even on the computer.
I'm just terrible at all that numbers to pictures & (music) stuff. I know that there's a connection, and I can plot individual points to get some idea of what's going on and narrow it down, but on a deeper level it's meaningless to me & forgotten quickly if I don't maintain the thought with a lof of concentration because the numbers don't connect to the pictures (sounds) for me, and never have.