BeggingTurtle wrote:
Terrodactal wrote:
I shake my leg a lot but I don't really consider that a stim as I see most NTs do that as well, just less often I guess.
My most common ones are wringing my hands and running my thumb in between my index and middle finger. I also pace a lot whenever I can, though that one makes a lot of people mad. I rock back and forth as well, I know. I try not to do so noticeably but there's no stopping it usually as I don't notice when I start.
I also still flap my hands, but I try to keep that one private since it's apparently the most questionable one. My dad used to make me sit on my hands when we were in public to stop me from fidgeting about like that and sometimes I still find myself doing that.
I still hand flap constantly. I also flick my fingers or bite myself or head bang when I am really upset.
I used to bite my arms a lot when I was younger. I'm not sure if I was taught out of that one or if I "grew" out of it, though.
Do you ever get like, really stupid questions about the hand flapping? A few weeks ago I was getting really excited about something and found myself flapping my hands. A friend laughed and asked "Are you trying to be a bird?"
I got really embarrassed and didn't want to explain it to her so I just stilled myself.
"Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent."
-Sherlock Holmes, A Case of Identity