I haven't had a therapist in two months. It's been awful. Today I was going to meet a new therapist/psychologist for the first time. The plan is, apparently, to meet up every now and then (not weekly) and focus on helping me to learn how to handle stress and then, when my assessment is over, find out what kind of help I really need and see where we go from there.
Well, when I stepped off the bus to walk the last bit to the psychologist's office my phone started ringing. It was 25 minutes until the session was about to start. I picked up the phone and the psychologist's receptionist (or whatever it's called) told me that my appointment had to be cancelled. The psychologist had to stay home today to take care of her child who's unfortunately gotten sick or something.
I didn't really know what to say so I just said "okay?" and the woman on the phone just said she was sorry and that the psychologist will call me eventually so we can book another appointment. I said "ok, thanks" and then the conversation was pretty much over.
I wanted to cry. I didn't though. Instead I walked towards the bus stop and took the bus to university. Now I'm at my university, 1.5 hours earlier than planned, and I don't really know what to do or what to feel. I can't really study because I can't focus right now. I'm disappointed but I know it's not the psychologist's fault her child didn't feel well today. I feel quite depressed too and it feels like my day's ruined. I'll do all the things I planned on doing but now I'll feel really depressed while doing them. When I feel like this it's also really easy to make me very annoyed and/or angry. Today noises will bother me, people will bother me, slow technology will bother me (seriously feel like throwing my phone against the wall as I write this) and I will spend the day swearing loudly in my head. I know myself pretty well.
I often react to sudden change (change I don't like) by feeling depressed (more than usual that is) and feeling like the day is ruined. Sometimes I react with anger instead (and sometimes, though not that often, I barely react at all) but most of the time I just get really low and miserable.
Does anyone else react this way? What do you do to feel better?