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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 23 Aug 2015
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04 Oct 2015, 6:17 pm

I had a dream last night about my sister's former best friend, RC. I had a huge crush on RC for over a year and I was forbidden from talking to her because of her being my sister's friend. In my dream, RC revealed she liked me and wanted to date me. However after dating for a few months (in dream time) RC breaks up with me. In my grief I take her to court and win. However she refuses to be with me and I wake up in tears...What does this mean? I haven't thought of RC in over two months


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05 Oct 2015, 9:42 pm

sometimes you might dream about something you think about a lot. something you want, or something you fear.

or it could be something weird that you never think about. like an event that happened years ago that you forgot about. (which is what hypnotism can do. it can make you remember things long forgotten)

maybe they might mean something. i don't know. apparently there are "dream experts" out there. but my opinion is they are just meaningless random sub-conscious thoughts that aren't supposed to make any sense.

there are a lot of dream interpretation recources online. you should probably research those.

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05 Oct 2015, 10:03 pm

What we can establish from your dream is that RC has made a deep impact on you. But that was in the past.
Dreams often catch stray bits of subconscious data and string them together. You may be trying to make sense of something entirely different in your life but your brain may be stringing together different episodes from your past in a unlikely setting in order to make sense (using subconscious metaphors) of present day issues causing you concern.

Dreams are a little like a faulty video player that instead of playing the movie Star Wars it inserts Dumbledore and Gandolf instead of jedi knights and instead of Luke Sywalker fighting the empire it inserts Pollyana fighting off a tribe of megalomanic pixies who want to steal Pollyana's happiness with pollyana finding herself getting legal advice from Dumbledore and Gandolf on taking the pixies to court in an episode of Rumpole of the Bailey.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Oct 2015, 11:00 pm

I have dreams that come true sometimes. Nothing major like this though - most of the time it's just dejavu moments but I'll remember the dream instead of wondering where I had seen something before. There was only one occasion that I dreamt about something major and it happened - it was a very painful event for me. I don't necessarily think this is supernatural though. I'm no Physicist but time and space is certainly something we're still trying to figure out. Maybe we have access to memories in the future sometimes through our dreams? Just a thought, and probably a wrong one haha.