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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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25 Apr 2014, 4:35 pm

I am a 34 year old man and I exhibit most, if not all, of the symptoms of Aspergers. I don't like change in my routine, I have the habit of taking things literally all the time, I am always often the last one to get a joke, I tend to blurt out what's on my mind without thinking whether or not it hurts someone's feelings, I am obsessive compulsive and like things in a certain order or else I can't concentrate on anything else, I have to have all my windows covered as I can't sleep if there is any kind of light in my bedroom, I tend to talk in a monotonous voice, I have never been a big smiler, and I have never been good at making and keeping friends. I also was told to take an online test and I scored high on an Aspie quiz(44/50). I only want honest answers here.

I forgot to add that I also get very anxious in new situations and I don't like meeting new people. I try to maintain eye contact but it's really hard. I also never know what to say when it's my turn to speak. I was also bullied in school. I feel like I'm stupid a majority of the time. I also can't handle too much information at one time.

I have meltdowns and flip out all the time. I also experience sensory overload. And, when I get nervous/anxious, I do weird things with my hands/fingers. I also have trouble with job interviews. And, even though I am a 34 year old man, I feel like I'm a little boy. I have an older sister who has been after me for over a year to get tested for asperger's. She thinks I have it.


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25 Apr 2014, 4:44 pm

It has become a cliche around here but the only way to be sure is get a professional assessment.

Having said that nearly two years ago I started a thread like this and just over a year ago I got an official diagnosis.

If what you are describing is correct I would hazard a guess and say you most likely have it.

Just to warn you I am not an Autism specialist I am an order picker. :D


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25 Apr 2014, 4:48 pm

My post from May 2012.

I am now in a new full time permanent job I am taking my driving test next week and I an pretty content in my life these days. :) :) :) :)

Ok I am 37 and I was 15 years in the one job until It closed last year.

I always found every social group I have been in through my life very awkward and I end up getting picked on.

I have never been in a relationship and I avoid eye contact with people.

I have booked an appointment to explore my situation.

From reading I seem to have all the symptoms of Asperger's .

I have a small facial defect from birth which I got fixed this year and I got bullied for that also.

I always believed it was the trauma of being bullied that made me act and feel the way I do.

The Aspenger's makes perfect sense.

If I have this condition I will feel more at ease that I have a condition and I am not just a total mess-up in life.


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25 Apr 2014, 4:49 pm

Thank you sharkattack :-) . Everything I described is correct. There are actually some signs/symptoms I left out as well. Mostly because it would make my question be too long.


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25 Apr 2014, 4:55 pm

Alan1980 wrote:
Thank you sharkattack :-) . Everything I described is correct. There are actually some signs/symptoms I left out as well. Mostly because it would make my question be too long.

My first post was the same I followed up with a much more detailed post.

I was in your situation two years ago.

Two years on and my life has got much better and a lot of thanks goes to the nice people on this forum.

For the first time in my life I am a confident individual I am on the Autism spectrum and I don't hide it people can like it or you know the rest. :)

Get your diagnosis and get on with your life and if you need help you have come to the right place.


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25 Apr 2014, 8:42 pm

its important to look at all possibilities and narrow it down, like:

auditory Processing Disorder
Anxiety disorders
Nonverbal Learning Disability
Border-line Personality Disorder
Brain Trauma

to name a few, these can mimic aspergers symptoms very well.

though it sounds like a Classic case of Aspergers, talk to a psychologist that works 1 on 1 with aspegers and autistic adults, but also has knowledge in other diagnoses'

even if your not diagnosed or turns out to be something, WrongPlanet is still a good community to talk to other people going through the same things as you, from what you described its a common series of things around here

welcome to WrongPlanet

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.


Emu Egg
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25 Apr 2014, 10:50 pm

Thanks ZombieBrideXD. I took that exact same quiz as well and got an aspie score of 173/200.

When I was a kid I was bullied by an older neighborhood kid. I was always having meltdowns. I had, and still continue to have, trouble reading social cues. I had trouble in school because I would get confused by the teacher's fast paced instructions. I barely graduated from HS. I got a college scholarship in music performance but I lost it during my first year of college because my GPA dropped. It took me 8 years in college just to get my BSc degree. I had to make special arrangements with my professors to meet with me before class to tutor me because i just wasn't understanding anything in class and I felt like I was just so stupid. I still do. I just get so overwhelmed very easily. And, even with my degree, I still have trouble getting a job because I end up failing the interviews.

When I, do, have major meltdowns now, as an adult, I hit, and kick walls, furniture and doors(in addition to flapping and wringing my hands). It usually takes just over an hour to calm down. I even once dislocated my thumb after hitting a door with my hand. I also cannot handle critisism of any kind. I get very upset. I never know what to say when talking to someone. I never feel like I belong. Some days, when it go outside, the sunlight outside is just so bright that I can't even open my eyes. It hurts. Also certain loud sounds and noises cause me to shut down completely.

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26 Apr 2014, 1:06 pm

Before I posted my question on here I had posted the same question on yahoo answers. Here's the two responses I got :-(

The first one:
"I don't believe so. People with Aspergers get diagnosed early, around about 3-10 years old. In rare occassions they get diagnosed in adult hood. Online tests are bull ****. Throw that chance out the window, if you want a diagnose you have to get a doctor to diagnose you. And most self diagnosers fail. You do fit in all the categories though. Though you need to display these certain qualities to get diagnosed:

you have to be obsessed with something. most people with aspergers have something they are obsessed with. in the book house rules, jacob's obsession was with crime. Do you have an intense interest?

Avoid eye contact.

You have to be unsocial.

Also, if you weren't diagnosed at a young age with anything, might it be ADHD or OCD there are high chances you don't have it. You do display sympotoms of someone with the syndrome but unless your parents were blind as a bat and didn't not notice then you most likely don't have it. I recently found out I was very merely diagnosed with the syndrome myself. I was about 5-6 years old, I was shy, I didn't talk to people much at school, i didn't interact with the other children, i didn't attempt to make friends, i preferred to be by myself and I avoided eye contact. At first i laughed and shook my head. Then I realized, I did display the early symptoms a child of Aspergers would display. Little did they know what a little brat I could be at home! So i wasn't diagnosed (thank god). If you weren't like that as a child chances are you're either suffering from stress related problems, you have a different disorder (tho you don't really fit any others) or your just suffering from strange abnormal habits and assumed you have Aspergers. Self diagnoses are 90% wrong. Online especially! I tried to find out what was wrong with me, I ranged from Aspergers, bipolar, ADHD to border line disorder. But found I didn't actually suffer from any. I'm just a weird person. I don't need a diagnose or paper saying I have this. I'm me and I've accepted who I am, no matter how abnormal I am from the average teen. The boy who bullied you has probably brought on your low self esteem. I reckon if you were a more optimistic person you would breeze through job interviews and you'd find yourself with a job. Look at the bright side of things. Long story short, you don't have Aspergers. You can go to the doctors and say you did a Aspergers test online and got 44/50 but chances are he'll just laugh and say you're fine."

Here's the other one:
"Sounds more like an extreme dose of social awkwardness caused by a rather serious sounding case of ADD, if I were you i'd get that checked out to make sure you're not merely suffering from social anxieties brought on by being singled out at an early age for being awkward, I know a few cases that spiraled so far out of control it actually created serial killers. it's not a disorder or even insanity, merely an unfortunate sequence of events that spiraled way out of control, which is easier than it would seem, given how our society stigmatizes all manner of disability or disorder to the point of outright demonization.
Go see a doctor, try to sit through it, even if it scares you, the sooner you get this doublechecked the world over, the better your chances of having a peace of mind are."

The first one makes me sound like a crazy NT hypochondriac.


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26 Apr 2014, 1:19 pm

ok, the first Answer you put down is kinda extreme. you dont HAVE to be unsocial, you just have to have a misunderstanding and lack of inborn social rules. which means you need to be born without knowing and picking up on small social rules, like being polite, sharing, making eye contact, and so on. some aspies that do pick up on it, do it too much, i have met an aspie who is too polite.

luckily, im a very mild case, i was diagnosed at 14, and it was obvious back then, but only to a person who works with people on the spectrum, to others, like teachers and psychyatrists, it looked more like ADHD, OCD and anxiety,

like i said before, Aspergers fits the bill, but so do other things, and sometimes, you have ALL the traits of aspegers, but none of the symptoms, which basically means

your awkward, but not because you lack the sense of what to do in a social Situation, it could also be because you have anxiety, low self esteem, easily distracted, or so on.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.


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26 Apr 2014, 2:16 pm

As a kid, I was always a loner/introverted. I could never tell when someone was bored or uninterested when I would talk to them. I have trouble with eye contact. I don't like being touched. If someone touches me without warning, I flinch. I don't hug. As a child, I was obsessed with telephones and vacuum cleaners(I still am). Growing up, I never knew what was socially acceptable(still don't). I would prefer to play alone and I would always talk to myself. In college, a female friend of mine came to my parents house one night and we stood outside and talked(well, she talked), and she started talking about her sick grandfather and she started to cry. I had no idea what to do. So I just sat there about three feet from her. In the past ten years, I experienced the death of my grandfather, two uncles and and aunt and I never cried. At my grandfather's funeral I sat by myself.


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26 Apr 2014, 2:30 pm

By the sounds of things you most likely have it.

Get an official assessment you won't rest easy until you do.

The next trick get on with your life concentrate on your strengths and drop the guilt about your weaknesses.

Since I came on here I have got myself into a new job that I am happy in and I have learned to drive.

Aspergers or ASD or Autism whatever you want to call it is not the worst thing a person could have by a long shot.

Enjoy your life.


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26 Apr 2014, 2:35 pm

You might want to delete your double thread there are only a few rules around here and not posting double threads is one of them. :D


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26 Apr 2014, 2:41 pm

If you think you have it, you probably do. For most of my life I thought I was normal, yet failed at almost everything most people consider basic in life. Once I admitted to myself I had problems and started to do some research, I decided I have it. After 3 evaluations telling me the same thing I think my suspicions are confirmed.

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26 Apr 2014, 2:42 pm

Okay sharkattack. It's deleted. :-) .The only reason I posted it was because I thought this one had run its course because I stopped getting replies(until now).


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26 Apr 2014, 2:44 pm

OP I am about to leave my house to go to a family event I know I am not good at mixing but I am going to have a few drinks and enjoy myself.


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27 Apr 2014, 5:30 pm

Self diagnoses are 90% wrong

That's definitely wrong; many people on here, myself included, were self-diagnosed, sometimes for years, before being able to get officially diagnosed. The person on yahoo you spoke to doesn't sound like he has a very good idea of what Asperger's is. You sound like you have some of the necessary traits; if you can't afford a diagnosis right away, I would bring it up with your GP and see if he can at least give you a better idea, even if he can't do the tests.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
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