Tuesday of last week was my birthday. Unrelated to the topic, but a nice point of irony. I ended up having a panic attack which led to a meltdown that landed me in a mental hospital. The psychiatrist I saw was quick to identify major depression and anxiety, but I already knew about those. While there I brought up my suspicions of ASD. His answer was that while depressed we tend to view ourselves in a negative light and all screening instruments are designed to catch any and all possibilities resulting in many false positives. His suggestion to me was to reassess myself in a few months after the depression clears a bit.
I didn't challenge his suggestion at the hospital, but in retrospect maybe I should have. The thing is, I, like several here, don't see ASD as a negative. I'm a huge proponent of the notion of neurodiversity whether I'm on the spectrum or not. Furthermore, looking through the questions posed in the AQ, RAADS-R, and AspieQuiz several items seem to have more of a correlation with aspects of ADD and OCD than to symptoms expressed through depression or anxiety.
So, what's your take? Should I do as the doctor suggested and wait it out or press the issue elsewhere?