Your post raises an interesting point. I guess it's safe to say that the emotional capacity for many of is lesser than our neurotypical counterparts. For myself, I am certainly confident in stating that I may not have the full range of 'normal' (neurotypical) emotions. For instance, I do not feel jealousy. Being somewhat distanced from my emotions may have given me my logical approach. Or at least, we might agree that Aspies express/feel their emotions differently.
Importantly, I hugely feel shame/embarrassment. For me, the worst possible scenario is to be humiliated. I virtually cannot process shame; it's like an overwhelming tide of sickening emotion. And I've had people shame me hard.....I do not deserve such treatment and it badly hurts.
So I wish I had a way to overcome embarrassment/shame, but I do not. I do know that my neurotypical friends are far, far better at putting it into perspective. When I've been hurt unnecessarily, they might say, in response, "Well, he's a jerk - it's his problem" (or the equivalent), but I really struggle with being able to put another's bad behaviour into context. Resulting, I get hurt.
In terms of how to suppress one's social conscience? Well, I guess the ability to put it into context. And maybe a sense of humour. Being able to confide in another for comfort, which I pretty much cannot do.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown