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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Apr 2014, 7:00 pm

ok, so this is going to be very long winded, you've been warned.

I am 21. and most of the things i am going to talk about i've shared with noone/almost noone.

recently, i remember seeing something that was describeing asspergers, and realised that some of the descriptions fit me perfectly, so i decided to do a bit of reasearch into it, did a few of the online quizzes ect.

and it made me realise, how many things there is i didn't realise i do/didn't worry about.

for the sake of being thorough i'm going to write them down.

i cannot, for the life of me, make eye contact for longer than 5 seconds.
i don't know why, i just have this feeling and have to look away.

hand movements/jumping ect.

this one, is something that i've always done since i was a child, usually when getting exited about something in a video game. after getting embarassed about it, i made an affort to not do it, but to this day, i still do it when noone is looking until i realise and stop myself. everyone thinks i grew out of it when i was younger, but i still do it to this day :/

When reasearching it mentioned something about being obsessed about something to the point of not noticeing how much time has passed/people around you.

i do this all the time without realiseing it. i've always been "obsessed" with video games, it's like an addiction, i often play for hours at a time, and stop when i get hungry, and realise it's been 8 hours :/
and, when i had time limits when i was a child, i remember many arguments when i was told to stop playing.

also, when i was younger, i used to be scared of loud noises, screaming, and hideing under a blanket or something, i distinctly remember hideing under a blanket screaming when watching fireworks.
last few years? i still hate loud noises, and will go out of my way to get to somewhere quiter (eg a concert at school, that we had to go to, i was the only one that just walked out, i couldn't handle that much noise, i just walked to the other side of the school.


every single morning i have weet-bix and sugar. (for the last 16 years) and if there is no weet-bix, i often don't eat anything rather than eat something else. i ALWAYS order the same thing when going out eg, meal from mcdonalds once a week ect.

and, if something comes up out of the blue, i don't throw a tantrum, but it does make me uncomfortable.

I spend most of my time (specially after i finished school) sitting at home by myself on the computer for MONTHS at a time. until i realised, and made an effort to make contact with the 5 friends i had before. (i'e only ever had a small group of around 6 friends my whole life, and only 2 that i talk to regularly)

Social awkwardness. i can't remeber when i was younger, but after reflection, i realised that i have huge trouble starting a conversation/keeping it going i can never find something to talk about, unless they bring up one of my faviorate topics, and i go on forever, often interupting people.
i don't always realise that someone is loseing interest in what i'm talking about, and get annoyed when they interupt me, and try to push my topic back in (unless i realise they are bored and conciously stop myself)

i've been told i'm very monotone and upon reflection, i really don't show emotion all that much, i have a normal voice, and one that is a bit different (like if i'm exited, talking to friends).

I remember a few times when i was younger, my dad (who i only went to once a week) would constantly say "are you allright?" "is something wrong?" because of my blank expression.

In the few recent job interviews i've had, and any other situation that involves me talking to strangers i always have to work myself up to it, before doing it. i sat in the car for 15 mins before walking, in, but then i was fine. until they asked a question i wasn't prepared for.

I've felt guilty when family member have died, because i didn't really care, and jsut wanted to go back home. (though none have been very close so far)

i often have to force myself to throw away things that i've had for years, because i feel like i'm throwing away a memory. when i was younger, i would get very upset. (usually soumething like, a Childhood toy that sits in the cupboard that is getting given to a cousin or a old pillow)

on the subject of pillows, i have to always use the same pillow on top, otherwise i can't sleep. i spend about 10 mins working out which pillow is which.

it's never anything huge, but i always feel uncomfortable when i get new things, and much more often than not, i prefer to keep old things, and do things the same way.

There is many more little quirks and habits that i can't quite remeber at the moment (i'll list them if i remeber) but these are the ones that come to mind imediately.

and many of these, i just discounted and didn't think twice about, until now.

so i'd just like an honest opinion, and this seems like the best place to ask.

P.S excuse the typos :D

Edit: Having trouble remebembering lots of intructions at once, often haveing to ask a person to repeat it one step at a time.

I always notice and find it a little unsettleing if i notice, say, a tree that has been cut down on a street i go down everyday, or a piece of furniture gone. again, nothing major, but theres always that uncomfortable feeling.

Odd little habits, like, when makeing cereal, i bring everything i need over one at a time, even though i know it is irrational, and faster to bring them in groups.

When i was younger, i was told that i always asked "what is that?" about everything, and particularly liked space, and buses. i remember being pretty "obsessed" with space back then, knowing about global warming, and the O-zone before i was in primary school.

Also, i should mention one big one big thing i missed, i absoulutly HATE going out in public with big crowds ect, i always feel very uncomfortable, like everyone is stareing idk. and i just want to get home.

thinking of more and more, the more i think about it.


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27 Apr 2014, 8:01 pm

The Text Book symptoms of Aspergers/ HFA are always varied and being changed around,

Aspergers is no longer a Diagnoses in the DSM V. (which i am diagnosed with.) and now it just reconizes ASD and different levels of severity,

in my opinion, you sound like it, but its always good to look deeper.

Aspergers symptoms are Mimiced by other condtions, like

Nonverbal Learning Disability
Auditory Processing disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Social Anxiety

to name a few, and with some people the lines are very fine, that it requires more testing than usual.

in my opinion, you could qualify, but even the symptoms you listed dont give enough depth,

Look up some Aspie tests on Google, they give a pretty good idea on what you could be, also, look up the DSM V ASD Diagnostic Criteria

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Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
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27 Apr 2014, 10:30 pm

Welcome to WP Brad.

You definitely have enough symptoms to merit looking into it. I would suggest that you take as many online quizzes as you can and that you see if you can find a qualified person in your community to evaluate you. I would not be surprised if you were on the spectrum from what you have described about yourself. We are not able to tell you one way or the other here on this forum but I think that it would definitely be worth your while to look into it further.

And don't worry about your typos. There are many of us here for whom English is a foreign language and even those who speak English as a native language still make plenty of typos sometimes. One funny one that you might just want to be careful with though is to not put two "s" in the beginning of Asperger's. Spelling it with two "S" after the "A" can make it sound offensive. Some people like myself might find it funny and get a laugh out of it but others might be very offended. But other than that don't worry about it if you can't write perfectly, we'll be able to understand you. :)

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Apr 2014, 11:54 pm

Thanks for the replies and opinions.

i did do 3 quiz/questionnaire things, and i was above the threshold for them all.

I feel like, if i do indeed have it, that it would explain quite a lot.

when i was researching it, a lot of it felt like i was reading a book describing myself. :s


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29 Apr 2014, 12:47 am

You certainly sound like you could have it. If you can, I'd ask your parents if they noticed any behaviour in you when you were younger that was specific to AS (you may have to give them examples.) Welcome to WP, keep us updated on your research progress :)

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
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29 Apr 2014, 4:59 am

Welcome, Brad.
Yes, the things, you are telling sounds aspergian.

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