Here's a link to a 2012 article in The Economist.
" . . . So having too many
Clostridia, producing too many phenols, will deplete the body’s reserves of sulphur. And sulphur is needed for other things—including brain development. If an unusual microbiome leads to the gut needing extra sulphur, the brain may pay the price by developing abnormally.
Whether this actually is a cause of autism is, as yet, unproven. But it is telling that many autistic people have a genetic defect which interferes with their sulphur metabolism. The
Clostridia in their guts could thus be pushing them over the edge. . . "*will bounce on subscription for second or two, and then take you to this article
I think it's fine to read journalism on autism, as well as sampling and light-touching the occasional medical article. I myself don't want to rabbit hole too deeply.
And at the same time, we can advocate that as persons on the Asperger's-Autism Spectrum (my term!), we have the same rights, count, significance, and importance as everyone else, of course we do.