Is our gut causing our autism? what do you think

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Is Bacteria in our gut causing our autistic symptoms
Yes! there is so much evidence to support it, its unbelievable 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
Yes! there is so much evidence to support it, its unbelievable 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
Yes! i was cured! 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Yes! i was cured! 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
well its a great theory but i think a lot more lies beneath 6%  6%  [ 7 ]
well its a great theory but i think a lot more lies beneath 6%  6%  [ 7 ]
im not sure if i know enough about it yet to make a decision 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
im not sure if i know enough about it yet to make a decision 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
I think its genetic and neurological, not physical and biological 19%  19%  [ 21 ]
I think its genetic and neurological, not physical and biological 19%  19%  [ 21 ]
i think dont know the cause but i dont think its that 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
i think dont know the cause but i dont think its that 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
no, its just a way for companies to make money 6%  6%  [ 7 ]
no, its just a way for companies to make money 7%  7%  [ 8 ]
*sarcasm* OH JEE WIZZ! GIVE ME THE CURE! 6%  6%  [ 6 ]
*sarcasm* OH JEE WIZZ! GIVE ME THE CURE! 8%  8%  [ 9 ]
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28 Apr 2014, 1:37 pm

there have been articles, research teams and theories based on the gut thing.

for those who dont know what im talking about, its basically saying a bacteria in out gut is causing our autistic symptoms,

there have been parents claiming they cured they children giving them certain medication and cleaning out the bacteria

i have no real evidence to support this, i dont particularly believe believe in it, but i guess i cant 100% dout it.

give me your thoughts!

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28 Apr 2014, 1:46 pm

I don't know. From the things I've heard I think the vaccine shots we have to get when we are kids is full of hazardous chemicals that were injected in the blood and melted neurons. Makes since too. I was a popular kid in preschool then I got really weird.


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28 Apr 2014, 2:52 pm

If it is vaccines (it's unlikely to be the toxicity of the mercury), more likely just to be some funky autoimmune response.


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28 Apr 2014, 3:11 pm

so can i clean my gut now..?


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28 Apr 2014, 3:16 pm

As far as the hypothesis of gut bacteria, I think it's a reasonable thesis for the cause of some cases of autism, and worthy of further research as long as we don't abandon too much other good stuff along the way, including advocating for Spectrum Rights,

The right to be authentically ourselves,

The right to be different.

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28 Apr 2014, 3:44 pm

Very anecdotal ....

All three of my kids have characteristics that me wonder if they are on the spectrum. If I rank them in 'Aspie-ness' and rank them in how much they had crying fits when they were babies (colic ???), I would have the same ranking. Same ranking applies for at what point in their life to they learn to walk.

For the first, I would hold and hold her while she was crying, and at some point I came to a conclusion that something was wrong in her stomach or intestines just by the sound of her cries - mind you this pre-dates my figuring out I was on the spectrum. The crying really got to my wife, I would have to come to the rescue in the middle of the night.

Of course, this could be an EFFECT and not a CAUSE.

So I guess you could put me down for a 'maybe'.


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28 Apr 2014, 5:29 pm

The probiotic the OP is speaking of would simply take away outbursts and sensory issues(not completely),and leave the good. The probiotic i B. Fragilis.


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28 Apr 2014, 7:47 pm

Here's a link to a 2012 article in The Economist.

" . . . So having too many Clostridia, producing too many phenols, will deplete the body’s reserves of sulphur. And sulphur is needed for other things—including brain development. If an unusual microbiome leads to the gut needing extra sulphur, the brain may pay the price by developing abnormally.

Whether this actually is a cause of autism is, as yet, unproven. But it is telling that many autistic people have a genetic defect which interferes with their sulphur metabolism. The Clostridia in their guts could thus be pushing them over the edge. . . "

*will bounce on subscription for second or two, and then take you to this article

I think it's fine to read journalism on autism, as well as sampling and light-touching the occasional medical article. I myself don't want to rabbit hole too deeply.

And at the same time, we can advocate that as persons on the Asperger's-Autism Spectrum (my term!), we have the same rights, count, significance, and importance as everyone else, of course we do. :D


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28 Apr 2014, 8:38 pm

I doubt it's a cause of Autism since Autism is neurological. But having a healthy gut can absolutely alleviate symptoms and it can do the same for NT's. The intestinal tract is such a huge part of our health and well being that keeping it clean and functioning affects every part of our being. There is a saying that says, "death starts in the colon." I believe it is a very valid saying and I also believe that it works the other way as well. "A healthy colon is a flow of life". I just made up that quote but I do believe that.

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28 Apr 2014, 8:45 pm

I think one good thing to remember and think about is that autism is not just a manifestation of certain symptoms. There are actually significant differences in brain structure and development in people with autism and there's a lot of research done on that. So it's pretty certain that if someone has autism, the changes in the brain are already there, and there is no way to magically make the changes disappear. If you are talking in the context of leaky gut syndrome, then flushing out your gut wouldn't really do anything.

Now, that is not to say that some people with autism couldn't also have food allergies or intolerances, nor that there may be some cases where gut bacteria could play a role. Like some other people mentioned there is some very new and limited research that points to the possibility that the gut could play a role in a small minority of people with autism. Here's a link to another article about it.

I guess the point that I've been trying to make is that diet and the gut is not the main cause of autism. At least not in the way that the general public sometimes think.

It's a really interesting issue though, and I am excited to see the outcomes of further research.

I'm really sorry if I've come across as a bit brusk, but I have met people whose parents believe that their children's autism is completely caused by toxins in food and the environment, and so have put their kids on strict diets as the sole means of treatment and coping skills. In the cases I am referring to, the diets did nothing to really help the kids and they really had no support for learning to live with autism. So it is kind of a hard thing to see happening to people.


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28 Apr 2014, 8:50 pm

"I think its genetic and neurological, not physical and biological"

This statement is wrong.

Genetics is physical and biological.
Neurology is physical and biological.


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28 Apr 2014, 9:55 pm

neobluex wrote:
"I think its genetic and neurological, not physical and biological"

This statement is wrong.

Genetics is physical and biological.
Neurology is physical and biological.
Perhaps the poster meant to say "environmental" rather than "physical and biological."

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28 Apr 2014, 10:11 pm

Stomach problems cause autistic-like symptoms for me. Most of my autistic symptoms are cured, but I still have to deal with chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety ADHD and OCD symptoms. Hopefully that stuff will get cured as well.

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28 Apr 2014, 10:19 pm

I wouldn't be surprised if gut issues could exacerbate existing ASD symptoms, but I don't think they *cause* it. Rather, I think it's caused more by genetics, because my dad is almost certainly an aspie (never diagnosed, but he displays many of the hallmark symptoms), and some of my other relatives on his side have traits of it. Environmental exposure to heavy metals may have something to do with it as well, as I live in an "oil" town, and I know an unusually large number of people on the spectrum for such a small area.


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28 Apr 2014, 10:27 pm

I believe that there is a genetic factor. Even in my own family I can see that. I also do intestinal cleanses and detoxes periodically and when I am healthy and clean my symptoms are not as strong. They are definitely still there and I still struggle with them but it gets much worse if my body is struggling as well.

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28 Apr 2014, 11:01 pm

TungleVatn wrote:
I don't know. From the things I've heard I think the vaccine shots we have to get when we are kids is full of hazardous chemicals that were injected in the blood and melted neurons. Makes since too. I was a popular kid in preschool then I got really weird.

The needle is injected into the muscle. Neurons do not melt.

However, I do think when people with autism have gut issues it makes already present symptoms worse and therefore treating them alleviates some symptoms of autism.

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