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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Apr 2014, 3:15 am

Does anybody here have the ability to naturally engage with others with reciprocity and two-way communication?

Did you learn this over time? If so, how?

Have you been able to do it to some extent since you were very young?

My understanding is that those with Autism or Aspergers always have difficulties with two way conversations at some time in their lives (whether they learn skills to overcome it or not), instead reverting to conversation that is one-sided where they tend to talk "at" people.
Would you dispute this at all?


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30 Apr 2014, 3:38 am

If I get along with people well enough I'm fine at it. I'm just not on the same wavelength as most people.

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30 Apr 2014, 4:01 am

I can engage in two way conversation when I have to. My major problem is that I'm too busy thinking about what I'm going to say next, which causes me to miss half of what the other person is saying. That coupled with the fact that I get disinterested easily with a lot of conversations can make it rough. I think people get the impression that I'm rude if I walk away without really finishing the exchange. If I'm speaking with someone about something that interests me, I do a lot better and I'm more likely to hear them.


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30 Apr 2014, 7:32 am

Ive learnt to fake it. Im generally not interested in what other people have to say unless it relates to my special interests '(this is why I love wp. If I respond to a thread its because it interests me and thus other peoples' opinions are interesting). I however have learnt how to express interests in other peoples' activities. I used to monologue when younger however;

Apparently I leave conversations unfinished.... I dont really understand this but my own estimation of my social functioning is alot higher than it appearsto actually be.

Undiagnosed my psychoogist believes im aspie if thats worth anything

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30 Apr 2014, 7:49 am

I think that lots of people have trouble with this, although the problems may prove more difficult for people on the spectrum to perceive and address. Everyone has to learn how to have an open exchange of ideas, and it requires cultivating a sincere interest in what other people think. It may also require finding sufficiently interesting, perceptive, and honest people to talk to.


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30 Apr 2014, 10:27 am

I'm okay at it now. I do have my lapses, at times. I have to make a concerted effort to listen and to empathize with other people. The empathy, by the way, is usually genuine, since I've experienced a lot in my 53 years of life. I could put myself in other people's places.

I used to have a tendency to impose my interests upon others., without listening too much to what the other person had to say. When I had less experience, I was not able to empathize too well--and I didn't know how to show empathy/sympathy too well. I did not know when the other person was bored with me. I did listen to others pertaining to my difficulties--I was conscious that they were difficulties that had to be addressed.


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30 Apr 2014, 12:30 pm

I seem to be able to do it well (comfortably) only when I'm talking to someone who shares a mutual interest. I have trouble when the subject is something I don't know that well. Most of the time, I don't know what I should say to keep the conversation going and end up just giving single word responses.

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