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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Jul 2013, 11:17 pm

I want treatment yes but if I was given an actual cure for my AS I wouldn't take it. I don't want to change. I like being me. That's something I couldn't say before. And this guy who claims to have aspergers (But I think he's a troll because of the things be posts) sent be a pm on this website saying I'm no better than pro-ana people and asked if I could improve my English-that I have the worst English they have come across-which I know I don't I just have trouble typing things out I actually have great English.

Is it wrong to not want a cure? Should I change this about myself in therapy? Am I alone on this? Am I really as bad as proana (Which in my opinion need help just as much as anorexics)?

I don't like confrontation. So it hurt to get that message. :(

"Diagnosed aspergers syndrome/autism spectrum disorder. Femme lesbian and proud."

Pileated woodpecker
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21 Jul 2013, 11:28 pm

Good for you. You are wise.

What is normal and who gets to decide?

My website about autism, perception, and the mind:

My son has autism.

Snowy Owl
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21 Jul 2013, 11:55 pm

I think I'm afraid of the cure. Of being someone else. My little world in my head, my obsessions, my limited interests. Those things are my life. if those are gone... Idk what I'd do. Plus my other symptoms make life hard but they make up me and I'm afraid of changing that.

"Diagnosed aspergers syndrome/autism spectrum disorder. Femme lesbian and proud."


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22 Jul 2013, 12:03 am

I think if stuff should be cured, it should be researched and happen when we are a child.

Its just to hard, if suddenly you could take something and suddenly be normal tomorrow. when you have spend your entire life like this.

I would have to do like 30 years of catchup. Would probably end up being worse.

I can only imagine the horror of not only being bad at interacting with other people, but losing the ability to be alone. then i would really have problems. because normal people go crazy from being alone. I might not be normal, but i sure wouldn wanna go crazy.

Just because we are cured, we wouldn gain all that we havent learned in all those years.

reminds me of hearing about a story about a blind person, who suddenly gained sight. i think that person comitted suicide, because the person couldn handle and didn understand and handle the input of the eyes.

I could easily imagine something simular would be the case here.


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22 Jul 2013, 12:42 am

I think there would be something wrong with you if you did want to be cured.
The journey to finding inner peace and happiness starts at self acceptance.

You can't accept yourself if you think a core part of your being, or condition that constantly effects your daily interactions and perceptions of the world is flawed and needs fixing.

What those of us with ASD need is acceptance, understanding, and help with our deficits, and encouragement with our strengths.
Talk of any sort of cure for a condition that forms a part of your personality and has its own culture ; well that is little short of eugenics, and that's a bad discussion to get into.

You wouldn't say that someone who is gay needs to be changed to "fit in and be accepted by mainstream society", so why ever would you think a cure of ASD would be something even worth considering?

The human race can only show its humanity and compassion by having different people like us in the world, and help us face the challenges that set us apart. Without compassion, care for others, and concern about suffering we would all be worse than animals.


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22 Jul 2013, 12:56 am

Is there a cure for suffering? The cure
for joy is probably next.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Jul 2013, 1:44 am

I'm sorry if I upset anybody. I was just hurt by that insulting hate message. I'm personally scared of being changed. I am who I am. I don't know how to be anything else and I'm afraid to be anything else.... How can I be anything different than this?

Also I'm tired right now.

"Diagnosed aspergers syndrome/autism spectrum disorder. Femme lesbian and proud."

Last edited by HopefulFlower on 22 Jul 2013, 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Jul 2013, 2:40 am

Since self diagnosing last week I have attributed most of my personality traits to be either the AS or very influenced by it. If they cured me I'm not sure what would be left. Not that I would want to be cured as I am very happy as I am.


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22 Jul 2013, 2:45 am

The damage often times don't realize they are damaged. If it is wrong or not,, I can't say.


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22 Jul 2013, 3:09 am

I realise that by most people standards I am damaged, however as I am happy I don't see it as an issue. Maybe if I was 'fixed' I wouldn't be so happy.

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22 Jul 2013, 3:36 am

HopefulFlower wrote:
I want treatment yes but if I was given an actual cure for my AS I wouldn't take it. I don't want to change. I like being me.

Congratulations! You are a healthy autistic soul. You like yourselfs and being yourself. That's totally normal. :)

You have certain difficulties and weaknesses. But everybody has his or her weak spots. Nobody could live (for long) in a cave in the woods without the help of other people. You got more problems than most NTs, maybe need more help from others, so you are a little off the normal scale. But you are not overall wrong, not a "wrong person". Because as a matter of principle, needing/giving help to/from others is just as normal as having personal strengths and weaknesses.

So, why should you change yourself? You can treat your weaknesses while training your talents. That's what everybody would do. But I see no reason at all to destroy a quite happy personality with many problems, only because it is a little bit more normal to be an unhappy person with few problems. :P


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22 Jul 2013, 4:26 am

HopefulFlower wrote:
I'm sorry if I upset anybody. I was just hurt by that insulting hate message. I'm personally scared of being changed. I am who I am. I don't know how to be anything else and I'm afraid to be anything else.... How can I be anything different than this?

Also I'm tired right now.

Don't be sorry, be yourself. You should not have received such a hateful message from anyone let alone someone from this site.

I'm in the unusual position of being both ASD and Partially Deaf, so I belong to two different disability groups at once. I can tell you now that most deaf people don't want to be cured either, we just want to to be accepted and accommodated. Of course there are hearing people who get very angry at us for not conforming to their way of life. But why should we make ourselves unhappy and depressed just to placate someone else?

By the same token I have no intention of seeking a cure for my ASD, that's like saying I want a cure for being myself! I don't like everything about my condition, but then I don't like being bald either, its just one of those things you get used to.

The only conditions that desperately need a cure are those that are life threatening. ASD is a way of being, not a life threatening illness.

Those that say they desperately need a cure, are more likely in need of psychiatric counselling - to explore the reasons for their self loathing and work on mitigating that!

Autistic dad to an autistic boy and loving it - its always fun in our house :)

I have Autism. My communication difficulties mean that I sometimes get words wrong, that what I mean is not what comes out.


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22 Jul 2013, 6:45 am

If you don't want to, and it doesn't harm others, I don't see what's wrong with it.


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22 Jul 2013, 8:58 am

If and when a cure should become available in our lifetimes, I think everyone with an ASD should have, and make, their own choices of whether or not to be cured.

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23 Jul 2013, 7:28 pm

Having ASD or something similar does not make you a bad person and even NT's are all messed up. So no, not wanting to be "cured" whatever that would mean is fine, I think. But if you can get help to make your life easier I think that is great too.

By the way, I am sorry but I don't know what proana means but if it's bad I am sorry someone called you that.


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23 Jul 2013, 10:04 pm

Here's my problem with the whole cure movement:

It's not about what we autistics and aspies's about what the NTs want. The NTs only want a cure to make their lives more convenient. Rarely will you ever hear someone who wants a cure say it's because they want autistic people to have a better life unless they're autistic themselves. And our views, even if we wanted a cure, will go completely ignored by people who preach about how AS affects their lives when they don't even have it. In their eyes the bigger tragedy isn't that we have autism or Asperger's, but how they have to live with us having it.