Minionkitty wrote:
I've read in your signature you also have Schizophrenia? Sometimes jumbled speech can be attributed to that as well. I can speak perfectly fine, when I want to, but I know others with it who can't. Not saying it's not because of your Asperger's as well, I'm not you, or a doctor, so I wouldn't know. Try to take some time before speaking, and organize your thoughts. Maybe that might help? Sorry if you didn't want my opinion, just trying to help. I know of a support site for Schizophrenics (well, for all areas of mental health) if you'd like the link. They may have more ways to help with jumbled speech, especially if you feel the jumbled speech comes from jumbled thought. I really hope I'm not offending you in any way, just trying to help.
Thank you, that makes sense. As my speech is slowly returning. I am able to converse a little.
I will talk to my psychiatrist about it as my speech does come out jumbled a lot.
I would like the link.
When I'm heading voices it's so hard to get words out. The Spies don't help either.
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.