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08 Jul 2005, 7:14 pm

my result for my degree is otu soon, i know ive done pretty badly, but how bad ... im not sure.

im really scared about how my parents are going to react to bad results. Im thinking about about telling about AS. The last thing i wanted to do is use AS as an excuse. But im afraid it has come to that time to show that card. Because i have problems asking for help when im in trouble or finding work difficult, my mind is all over the place and my attention span seems to be non existent.

But i dont know whether to tell me parents, they may not take me seriously. It may completely change the way they treat me, and im afraid it may alienate me even more. But i dont want them to be dissappointed in me.

What do you guys think ?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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08 Jul 2005, 7:17 pm

I know not that it will help your education dillema...
But you should still tell your parents that you have AS.
It's one of those things thay should know.


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08 Jul 2005, 9:23 pm

I told my mom while she was visiting me this past week about my AS. She wasn't a bit surprised, being as she and other people in our family have similar traits. Her main point was that everyone has something to deal with and there's really no such thing as "normal", anyway. I think it also answered many questions she's had about my behavior.

It would be a good idea for you to tell your parents about your Asperger's. If anything, they'll have a lot of questions about AS you'll have to be prepared to answer. Now you say you're in college? Apparently, you're an adult and however you do in school shouldn't be that much of an issue to your parents anymore.

After all, college is supposed to benefit you, not your parents and you're the one who deals with the consequences of however you perform. You may want to seek out services that can teach you methods to use in class so you'll be able to concentrate better.