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16 May 2014, 3:40 pm

describe your experience. I was just in a hospital for about a month, and the staff did not understand my disability. I was actually thrown on the floor be two of the nurses a few times and they did something I can not describe and I was give very spicy food that I might have allergy to,but the kids were kind to me and were mostly understanding.

Your Aspie score: 192 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 9 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie PDD assessment score= 172 (severe PDD)
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16 May 2014, 3:45 pm

Half a dozen times with good experiences and bad. Once I was rushed in with a blocked bowel and the medical staff were amazing, can't fault them, especially as they saved my life. Doctors and nurses have hard days just as much as you and I plus they get to see folk die on a regular basis so maybe they deserve to be cut a little slack now and again.

Next time if your AS affects you so much get them to put it on your admission notes and perhaps you will have a better time.



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16 May 2014, 3:46 pm

i was in for Suicidal thoughts for 43 hours, for the first 24 hours i wasnt aloud to leave the room or wear my regular clothes, which was fustrating as hell. the Psychologists thought i didnt have aspegers, just Nonverbal learning disability, ADHD, and OCD. but i got tests for Nonverbal Learning Disability and it showed i didnt have it, so together my personal Psychologist and the Hospital psychologist agreed Aspergers was the correct diagnoses.

the nurses were b*****s but the doctors were nice, all i wanted to do was go home, but they wouldnt let me. food was fine, there was only one other kid there, one year older than me, he was nice.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
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16 May 2014, 3:49 pm

i forgot i was also in when i was 2 years old for a 3rd degree burn over my entire chest, i was in for 2 weeks, it was a great experience! everyone was SUPER nice, i got Jello every day and i got to watch my favorite movie Thumbelina all the time. Family was never so nice to me.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.



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16 May 2014, 3:50 pm

Locked up like an animal for a week because my lung collapsed. Youngest person on the ward by far, surrounded by old people dying of emphysema and cancer. Fun place to sleep.

The stay in hospital was more stressful and inconvenient than the injury, but hey, that's the NHS for you.

If it wasn't policy to feed us out of the human waste bins and not using boiling water for brewing tea, I might have accepted that I couldn't smoke on the ward.

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16 May 2014, 3:51 pm

I have been in the psych ward twice, been to the ER more than once for a suicide attempt and passing out one time when I was 12 and used to get blood tests and stuff done as a child because I guess as far as they figured out i have some genetic mutation that doesn't really effect me but maybe plays a role in the having autism. But yes the two times in the psych ward are the only time I was there for a period of days or longer I didn't really run into any sort of mistreatment from doctors, nurses or other staff though not all of them exactly 'understood' but I imagine most of them don't have Aspergers so of course that is going to make for some lack of understanding. The first one kinda sucked and had gross food, but the second one was a bit better, included being able to go on a supervised walk and had great food with a cafeteria off the psych unit...I couldn't go there the first couple days and had to eat on the unit though because I was on a 72 hour hold thing which meant considered at risk because I was there for feeling suicidal but after a couple days I was able to.

Sounds like your experience kinda sucked, sounds sort of abusive as I don't think they are supposed to throw people on the floor or knowingly give them food they may be allergic to, though the food thing can sometimes be by accident since it can be hard to keep track of who is allergic to what or who can't eat this or that at least from what I observed, they keep record but things can still get mixed up. But yeah if they did any mistreatment it would be best to try and report it somehow at least in my opinion....I mean if you went berzerk and they were trying to restrain you and that is how you ended up on the floor then it might be more understandable but even then they aren't supposed to do anything that could injure a patient.

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16 May 2014, 4:04 pm

I'm sorry you had that experience, Jenni.

No wonder why I didn't you see posting in the Forum.

I feel bad that the nurses placed you on the floor, and especially that they didn't understand your disability.

But now you're home.


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16 May 2014, 4:18 pm

I was in a mental hospital for a week and a half after attempting suicide at age 17. They took away my Walkman because my music was "too depressing" and deliberately deprived me of sleep for two nights - god only knows why. It was interesting.

I've never been hospitalized for anything physical.


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16 May 2014, 4:28 pm

I was hospitalized for 3 days after I overdosed on weed (or maybe it was tainted with something, I don't know).

I was hospitalized for a reaction to cat allergens. My whole body was puffy, from head to foot.

I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation and depression at three hospitals in NY.

I was hospitalized for a suicide attempt. They pumped my stomach then placed me in a psych unit for 2 months.

I was hospitalized for 2 days because I had a stroke; to be specific, a left parietal hematoma.


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16 May 2014, 4:35 pm

Age 5 (approximately): Hip out of joint as a result of falling off a ladder. No idea how long I was there.
Age 11 (approximately): Asphyxiation by natural gas. Just there overnight with an oxygen mask on.
Age 20: Heart surgery. About ten days.

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16 May 2014, 4:43 pm

I was in the hospital a few years ago for suicide. Apparently I am odd because I actually liked it there. It was a nice structured environment clear rules to follow clear timetables and a couple security guards if you broke them. Everything was organized and the nurses were really nice. I had my papers my pen my marker my cup and my earplugs that's all I needed. They were a little confusing though kept asking if I was afraid of killing myself which made no sense because why would a person be afraid of something they wanted?


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16 May 2014, 4:46 pm

only for surgery's and ER visits
the first was to remove my tonsils then I had a surgery to pin the bones in my wrist back together last year I went to the
ER because I slipped and fell while cutting the grass and slid down hill with the lawnmower I tried to put my foot up to stop my foot on the deck of the mower but the yard dips down a little where I slid and it went under then when the yard dipped back up a little my foot went right into the blade


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16 May 2014, 4:55 pm

I've been in the hospital. I was in there for over a week and they popped popcorn for me and let me watch my favorite show in the hospital. Also they got each of the Star Wars films from the different floors and brought them for me to watch. Another time I was able to play an SNES and DKC3 that was fun. It was comical a lady next to me was on morphine a lot and called the nurse a b***h. Otherwise nurses have been nice and helpful. No issues although hospitals naturally freak me out just nervous being in one is all.


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16 May 2014, 4:56 pm

That is terrible.

I was Beth Israel for a few hours for after someone assaulted me and broke my arm. Counselors were nice, called people to get me. I have often visited parents in hospitals.

Hope your recovery goes well.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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16 May 2014, 4:59 pm

Welcome back JenIsAutistic! Been worried hadn't seen you post in so long. Not since you were posting vids and asking questions about how you were being treated at home. I had feared the worse, but good to see you are back! :)

I have been in a couple of times and I ALWAYS hated it. Actually I was in and out of hospital thru much of my first 10 years of life. Generally I find those working at hospital to be unsympathetic and would ignore my requests. I now only go if I have NO other choice. But it has NEVER been a pleasant experience and hope I never have to return.

The statement you made "I was actually thrown on the floor be two of the nurses a few times and they did something I can not describe" worries me greatly. I certainly hope you weren't abused. Can not describe or will not? Reading that worries me greatly. :cry:


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16 May 2014, 5:09 pm

I went to the ER a few years ago for severe pelvic pain. I didn't want to go but my mother insisted.

I told them how I am really sensitive to pain medications and I did not want them just shooting any kind of drugs in me. So they gave me something with very mild side effects. I forget what it was but I think they said it is often used for women in labor.

I was there a few hours. The ER doc came in to see me a couple of times but never really examined me. She just sent me around for tests. The tests didn't find anything so she started speculating it might be appendicitis. I knew damn well it wasn't my appendix, and I didn't want to end up getting subjected to any unnecessary surgery. So I started pulling the tubes out and got up to leave.

They didn't talk to me much about my symptoms or take the time to physically examine me very closely. It was like the doctor was just relying completely on machines and lab tests to find out what was wrong with me. I think that is a piss poor way to practice medicine. But from what I understand it is just the way things are done now.