I am a very aspie 45 yo male, I have few friends and few hobbies.
I have always wanted to fly RC planes and about 6 months ago, I met a guy who has been willing to teach me how to fly.
So after spending for me a lot of money I bought the gear.
I really enjoy having a new friend, but OMG the hassles I have had learning to fly are just @#$! ! me off!
I am having many setbacks, I am told these are normal, crashes, broken bits and repair jobs.
Not been a person who has good fine motor skills I find soldering and putting stuff together a real challenge.
But the real hassle is in 6 months I have had only 3 good flights and a heap more wasted 40 km drives to the flying field and disappointments.
When it goes well I love it !
But when its goes bad, I hate it ..... So far the bad column is longer than the good.
Help!! !
What do I do press on and hope that one day like riding a bike I get it??
Or run away??
Is it normal for aspies to struggle with so much setbacks??
My NT wife and NT flying teacher, are so laid back when a plane crashes or a wire breaks and the flying day is a write off, but me it really really really frustrates me.
Thoughts please??