Vaccines & Asperger's - current books? Opinion?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Feb 2007, 3:51 pm

My 12 yr old daughter is one of those with Asperger's-a mild type of high functioning AUTISM. She got all the THIMEROSAL/MERCURY laden vaccines from birth in 1994 (in Knoxville, TN) to the Tetanus shot in 2005 for 6th grade in TX! (It's still in the Tet shots!) EDITED:I just found out about the Rhogram shots for RH- moms containing thimerosal - I'm one of those too! :::tears:::

Now we are in AL and I'm researching the possibilities of getting her "de-vaccinated" to help her condition while she remains in therapy for Asperger's! She was always sensitive to the vaccinations but I was 20 and a single mom and told that was normal. She also developed accute excema & polykeritanosis (extreme skin rashes & sensivities) since her first vaccines at birth!

:crying: I feel horribly guilty! I also have 2 & 1/2 yr old boy who is fully vaccinated - born in Richmond, VA. I thought that all the vaccines were cleaned up by then, but noe I'm not so sure. The more research I do, the more confused I become.

I also plan to eventually go back to work, maybe in the fall or next year in the field of Childcare & early Childhood ED and they frown on no-vax. I may not be able to enroll my child & get a job if I don't.

I know that I can get a religious waiver before my girl is born in April, but I wish it was a "scientific differences" form. I'm not opposed to all medicine, just the questionable vaccines & new drugs advertised by the Pharmicuetical Companies!

We pride ourselves in not being brainwashed by the "status-quo" but we are also ever alert to being drawn into "paranoid conspiracy theories" as well. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of conspiracy theories that I lend alot of credence to. Just not everyone that springs up - as there are alot of them! :)

We like to be fully informed by all sides so we can make an informed decision on how we feel about an issue. BUT this one is so murky and complex that its killing me here at 8 months pregnant!

Can anyone shed some light or encouragement? It seems like I'm going to have to get the waiver to stop all immediate vaccinations and then have them disclose all information on the vaccines they are using, including the company & ingredients & dates, etc... for each and every injection they want to give my children from here on out! What a nightmare!

Also-FYI about the chickenpox vaccine- my son got it and he still got the chicken pox in a daycare center only the vaccine masked the symptoms so that it was a slowly developing localized rash with no fever! He ended up infecting many more children around the center because he had been there 4-6 days longer than he would have if the fever had come! My coworkers had all agreed that this vaccine has done more damage in that it has allowed infected children to stay in the population much much longer infecting more children than the natural course would have. AND-one of the peds was under the mistaken assumption that he wasn't contagious due to having had the vaccine and tried to send him and others back into the population! I had to get a hold of the head PED in that practice and inform them and they were appalled! Evidently the younger/newer PEDs are sold on all the vaccine crap and had mistaken beliefs about them. :af:

The only consulatio was that my child did not seem very sick and didn't "suffer." Small price to pauy for infecting 4-6 others. The professionals in childcare do not like this vaccine for this reason. AND chicken pox is NOT even deadly! Its only the push to make it easier for parents to not have to miss work for 2 weeks to wait for their child to be able to go back to care that ever pushed this vaccine to begin with!

Sorry about the rant! I'm a big believer in what modern Medicine has done for us - I just advocate the cautious & judicious use of it so that we don't harm ourselves with this "quick-fix" mindset we are developing!
I need to cry again...sorry

PS: :( ALSO:

THESE are the Most current books on Vaccines

Does anyone have an opinion on any of them? I'm hesitant to read any older than 2003 due to all the "changes" that have been made... Can anyone recommend any of these?

Vaccine The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver (Hardcover)
by Arthur Allen Jan 2007

Vaccines (Hardcover)
by Ken R. Wells Nov 2006

White Lies A Tale of Babies, Vaccines, and Deception (Hardcover)
by Sarah Collins Honenberger Nov 2006

Immunofacts 2007 Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs
by John D. Grabenstein / Paperback / Sept 2006 / ISBN 1574392514

The Chickenpox Vaccine A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption
by Mark Orrin; Gary S. Goldman Ph. D. / Paperback / Aug 2006 / ISBN 0978838319

The Vaccine Controversy The History, Use, and Safety of Vaccinations
by Kurt Link / Hardcover / July 2005 / ISBN 0275984729

The Virus and the Vaccine Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect
by Debbie Bookchin; Jim Schumacher / Paperback / July 2005 / ISBN 0312342721

Raising a Vaccine Free Child
by Wendy Lydall / Paperback / Feb 2005 / ISBN 1418450170

Vaccine Safety Research Date Access and Public Trust
by Institute of Medicine / Paperback / Jan 2005 / ISBN 0309095913

by Clay Farris Naff / Hardcover / Nov 2004 / ISBN 0737719699

Immunization Safety Review Vaccines And Autism
by Not Available / Paperback / Sept 2004 / ISBN 030909237X

Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders Crucial Data That Could Save Your Child's Life
by Neil Z. Miller / Paperback / Apr 2003 / ISBN 1881217329

Vaccines What You Should Know
by Paul A. Offit; Louis M. Bell / Paperback / Jan 2003 / ISBN 0471420042

When Your Doctor Is Wrong Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism
by Judy Converse / Paperback / June 2002 / ISBN 1401029736

The Vaccine Guide Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults
by Randall Neustaedter / (Paperback) - Revised Ed. / Sept 2002 / ISBN 1556434235

Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective?
by Neil Z. Miller; George R. Schwartz; Harold E. Buttram / (Paperback) - Revised Ed. / Jan 2002 / ISBN 1881217302

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Children's Vaccinations
by Stephanie Cave; Deborah Mitchell / Paperback / Sept 2001 / ISBN 0446677078

Vaccinations A Thoughtful Parent's Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives
by Aviva Jill Romm / Paperback / Jan 2001 / ISBN 0892819316


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22 Feb 2007, 5:11 pm

I honestly think that we today call Asperger's Syndrome has always been around in different ways, shapes and forms. However, I think the whole "autism epidemic" scare and the idea that asperger's syndrome is due to vaccines has more to do with changing societal perceptions and expectations than anything.


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22 Feb 2007, 5:58 pm

Leetahalfelven wrote:
My 12 yr old daughter is one of those with Asperger's-a mild type of high functioning AUTISM. She got all the THIMEROSAL/MERCURY laden vaccines from birth in 1994 (in Knoxville, TN) to the Tetanus shot in 2005 for 6th grade in TX! (It's still in the Tet shots!) EDITED:I just found out about the Rhogram shots for RH- moms containing thimerosal - I'm one of those too! :::tears:::

Actually, it is doubtful the mercury did ANYTHING to give her AS! Don't cry, etc... BTW Most of the people posting in this forum have, or have reason to believe they have, AS! No explanation is needed!

Now we are in AL and I'm researching the possibilities of getting her "de-vaccinated"

What a DUMB idea! You can NOT devaccinate! What are you going to do? Change her immune system? Can't be done, and WHY!? Chelation therapy? Too dangerous and more trouble than it is worth.

to help her condition


while she remains in therapy for Asperger's! She was always sensitive to the vaccinations but I was 20 and a single mom and told that was normal. She also developed accute excema & polykeritanosis (extreme skin rashes & sensivities) since her first vaccines at birth!

NOPE, it ISN'T "normal"! I have NEVER had a reaction, and most don't. Such reactions COULD be a signal of an allergy or a developing one. They could be anything from a temporary discomfort to a long life disability or DEATH! It was PROBABLY just a temporary rash, but it is NOT to be taken lightly. Any doctor that says simply "it's normal" is an idiot, and should be avoided.

BTW DON'T WORRY! She may be more sensitive, less socially apt, more misunderstood, have stims and tantrums, but she may have some equally good benefits. She isn't worse, just different.

BTW Some here would argue AS is BETTER! Ironically, some of the reasons are also things that might be looked at as problems. Only your daughter can make that decision. Again, Chelation therapy is like pulling the knife out of a corpse. If damage was done, it was done. That is doubtful though. Think of it this way. The average person of my generation got FAR more mercury from either fish, or amalgam fillings. I had the presence of mind to ask what the fillings were made out of. They said AMALGAM. I was YOUNG, and didn't know what that word meant and, even if I did, it was NO answer! They THEN said SILVER. I guess I should have figured it was a lie, because I knew the melting point of silver was VERY high. Well, I'm sure you know that THE amalgam they used had MERCURY in it.

That doctor is lucky my fingers weren't near his throat when I found out what the fillings REALLY were.

BTW Even the WORST cases of autism show NO regression after 12. Your daughter will likely improve in the ways you want with NO effort. She may end up seeing less benefit, but will still have enough that she may be HAPPY she has AS! Don't spoil it by giving her senseless treatments that ANY thinking person can tell you will NOT do any good.


Last edited by SteveK on 22 Feb 2007, 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Feb 2007, 8:12 pm

What "therapy" are they giving her? You can't really treat Asperger's and you can't cure it. Are you talking more about rehabilitative type things for social skills, desensitization, etc? Or is this for the Ezcema? I'm just confused by the word therapy and it's because I'm very literal. Sorry about that.

Here's what I've seen in going through different research. Research looks for all possible causes and links. That's how they prove or eliminate them. From what I've seen, the jury is still out on vaccines and some of the newer stuff looks to indicate there may be no link. So at this point, they aren't really sure and it's going to take more testing. There are also theories about oxygen deprivation. I've seen sites that claim that's proven, but then I see research still being done that says they aren't seeing a continued correlation. So, it's not proven yet, it's still be researched. There are also many more theories.

I had my vaccines in the very early sixties and have no idea if they had mercury or not. Here's what I know. My parents had nine siblings each. All of them had six to ten kids each. I'm now in my 40's so we're talking even my cousin's children are now parents. That's a big test base. None of them are AS. My oldest brother has something, but it might be more profound. What I'm saying is that all of us had those vaccines. So, what is going on with me could have been caused by Scarlet Fever when I was young or always have fevers from tonsils or who knows what. Do you see what I'm saying? It could be many, many things and the one thing I know for sure is that while you want to be the best mom you can (of course you do!), you can go absolutely crazy over these theories. In ten years, those theories could be disproven. They could turn out true. Right now, they are just theories they are testing. Everything you see is written by people who test the theories.

Now, if you want to stop vaccines because of other things, that's different. Your daughter seemed to have some reaction to them at least with a rash. I think I remember some of the kids in school getting those and they didn't act AS later. But, if you think it's messing with her system, that's different. That's a different decision to make.

As to the chicken pox story, no vaccine is 100%. They are meant to reduce the possibilities, because they know they won't completely eliminate them. In other words, it can happen. It's rare, but it's not unknown. It's still better than having 100's of children die from mumps and measles every year. I remember we had to get polio vaccinations. I grew up with kids who had polio and were crippled. Trust me, the vaccine was better. No one in my generation had that. I just missed that because the vaccine came out right about that time. They have good points and bad. Just take a deep breath, let it out and take a fresh look at it. Weigh it out, but do it rationally. No matter how good of a mom you are, you aren't going to do 100% of everything correctly every time. You aren't even always going to have all the information to do that. So just take it easy and do the best you can. It's going to be ok.


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22 Feb 2007, 8:17 pm

The vaccine theories aren't really theories, and weren't even proposed by real scientists. The idea is garbage, as the amounts of mercury that was in the vaccines were miniscule. Now most vaccines don't have either ingredient.

There have been studies by universities, independent labs, drug companies, and the peer reviewed studies have shown consistantly that thimerosol has no link to autism. The people that claim that mercury and thimerosol cause autism refuse to have their so-called treatments studied, and often they are more expensive and dangerous. Children have died from chelation therapies used to supposedly cure the autistic person. No-one's died of autism.

Autism is not a disease. It is a group of behaviors that have to be observed to make a dx. There is no blood test or biopsy or other lab test that can dx a spectrum syndrome.

The chicken pox vaccine is stupid, and those 4-6 other kids who caught it from your son are now naturally vaccinated. The reason the chicken pox vaccine is pushed because if a person doesn't get it while they're young, they run the rising risk of complications the older they get and contract the virus in their teens or twenties.

Did you just get a dx for your daughter?

Metta, Rjaye.


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23 Feb 2007, 1:56 am

Here's a little reading written by a real doctor about why the vaccine theory is wrong:


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23 Feb 2007, 3:14 am

If there was any basis to the mercury causation theories -- including those associated with vaccination -- then there would also be a higher rate of other physical problems, including kidney disease, among autistics.

You can't really say that the vaccination theory isn't a theory, because a theory is simply a hypothesis -- a guess, in essence. And anyone can come up with theories.

But the truly dangerous aspect to the vaccination theory is that it scares parents away from vaccinating their children.

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