Involuntary commitment as a minor and buying guns
Though I don't intend to buy guns, I am wondering if this from when I was 14 would count:
In January 1999, after 5 months of hospitalization, my parents were trying to get me released, but the doctors blocked them and we all went to court. It was kinda strange, because it was a court room that was in a hospital of all places! I knew I was going to court, so I wondered why we were going to another hospital, but then I walked in the court room (escorted) and it was an actual real courtroom. This was near the end of January 1999. The judge sided with the doctors and ordered me committed to the hospital for a term of two weeks.
Once those two weeks were up in early to mid-February, the doctors couldn't get another court order and my parents discharged me AMA.
I wonder if that commitment is in a national database somewhere?
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
I believe Juvenile records are sealed once the person turns 18 (may vary in different municipality's) however giving all that is going on with guns mental health and weekly mass shootings I am unsure what from your Juvenile record(s) will be reported to NCIC as Ezra mentioned it's best to consult with an attorney for more of a black and white answer.
"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel
I was going to be charged with aggravated assault resulting from my psychotic episode, but the charges were deferred (i.e. they were never pressed).
I have never been convicted of any offense, or indeed been officially charged with any offense, except for minor traffic and parking violations. I was adjudicated for mental health reasons, not for crime.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
I was adjudicated for mental health reasons, not for crime.
That *may be* an Issue I know for the most part people tend look past minor traffic and parking violations.
"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel
Any involuntary hospitalizations before the age of 18 do not count for anything (like jobs) unless you were to try doing jobs for the CIA or something that required very high security clearance. Even then, they probably won't have access unless it's top secret.
The only way charges ever matter is if you were convicted. Even if you were over 18, if you were charged with something but never convicted, you are not legally required to disclose that ever. It wouldn't be in databases. You are considered innocent until proven guilty.
If you were ever involuntarily committed after 18, I think it could effect applying for things like the military, certain government security clearances, the ability to be a lawyer, and possibly even the ability to be a doctor. Other than that, you are not required to disclose any sort of involuntary commitment in a hospital, regardless of age. Crimes are completely different, but I believe only if it's a felony AND convicted. Just being charged will not be on your record REGARDLESS of age. I can't remember about misdemeanors at the moment.
If you are talking about potentially being barred from buying guns, I'm not quite sure. I'm pretty sure regardless of being involuntarily committed, you would have to be declared incompetent from a legal standpoint. Although, with all of the fuss about guns, I really wouldn't be surprised if the government tried to ban access to weapons from ANYONE diagnosed with ANY mental illness. They don't even know that being involuntarily committed is often required. Like, in some places, you can't get help from a mental hospital unless you let them do it. They refuse to take you even if you're suicidal and/or homicidal unless you are 302'd.
I have heard a lot of people talking about how all people with PTSD should be barred from buying any weapons, and those same people said people with OCD are OK "because they are more likely to clean the gun than shot it". People know nothing about mental illnesses *smacks head*....
People don't listen to reason. You know, people are a lot more likely to be violent when they are psychopaths. How often does a psychopath willfully go in for psychiatric treatment so they can be documented as one?
I was going to be charged with aggravated assault resulting from my psychotic episode, but the charges were deferred (i.e. they were never pressed).
I have never been convicted of any offense, or indeed been officially charged with any offense, except for minor traffic and parking violations. I was adjudicated for mental health reasons, not for crime.
it depends on the state but most states if you have any involuntary mental health treatments then no guns for you, though just because you cant own guns does not mean you cant shoot them
have your parents keep your guns under their name
...There a joke I'm tempted to make which might get me REALLY into trouble around here - I need all the friends I can get ! !!
I got involuntarily committed when I was 20 - in a state of the US where it is (one of 2) easier to involuntarily commit someone than in the other 48 , and it f*ck*d up my life , I believe - I got stuffed full of Thorazine and Mellaril , a person there said about me " He isn't fit for anything but being on a back ward the rest of his life "
, I spent my 21st birthday in a state mental hospital
Happy maturity day to me

I got involuntarily committed when I was 20 - in a state of the US where it is (one of 2) easier to involuntarily commit someone than in the other 48 , and it f*ck*d up my life , I believe

I'm so, so sorry. There are people advocating on behalf of people like you. The ability to (easily) check yourself into a mental hospital is VERY important.
...AND . NEVER . GET . OUT . AGAIN ? And/or , have WORSE than what I related happening happen to me ???

I got involuntarily committed when I was 20 - in a state of the US where it is (one of 2) easier to involuntarily commit someone than in the other 48 , and it f*ck*d up my life , I believe

I'm so, so sorry. There are people advocating on behalf of people like you. The ability to (easily) check yourself into a mental hospital is VERY important.[/quote]
I was going to be charged with aggravated assault resulting from my psychotic episode, but the charges were deferred (i.e. they were never pressed).
I have never been convicted of any offense, or indeed been officially charged with any offense, except for minor traffic and parking violations. I was adjudicated for mental health reasons, not for crime.
it depends on the state but most states if you have any involuntary mental health treatments then no guns for you, though just because you cant own guns does not mean you cant shoot them
have your parents keep your guns under their name
If you want guns it isn't a problem. I think it is VERY foolish to have laws in place that cause blanket bans on something that is a protected right in the Bill of Rights. Ok so you had been given involuntary mental health treatment. These silly laws don't take into account the reason for the treatment. Not ALL conditions warrant this kind of concern and if you are no longer in facility and stable I don't see a problem. We should NOT be treated as second class citizens or worse.

Having said that, if you are suicidal or intending yourself harm or others then you shouldn't have a gun at least until you are better. That is what relatives are for and they could hold any that you may have until such time as you are well. We DON'T need the government babysitting us! They do such a poor job of it as evidenced by all the shootings that have happened. I blame the breakup of family structure as the main cause of many of our social ills.
Also, if you have never owned a firearm or exposed to them I would BEFORE you buy take a course or two in safe gun handling. You will want to know the proper procedures as without this training many stupid mistakes are made. And ALWAYS have the gun locked up so that children and others cannot gain functional access to your weapons. Under your bed or your nightstand is NOT the best place as children can and will find them. If you wish to have one at the ready for self defense, there are plenty of inexpensive safes that only allow the owner to access the weapon via your fingerprints. Fast access for defense reason and yet safe from unauthorized use.
In my opinion, I would trust someone on the spectrum any day before I would trust others when it comes to firearms. Just because of our obsessions with doing things right and learning all we can. On the other hand, if you suffer from meltdowns often I would refrain for purchasing a firearm. Only YOU know if you are fit or not to own a weapon and if you are in doubt, THEN DON'T get one!!
Guns are pointless. The statistics don't lie; having a gun makes you more likely to be harmed by ThAT same exact gun, than not having one.
I prefer light sabers anyhow. They make a great humming sound and are very menacing looking.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.


I got involuntarily committed when I was 20 - in a state of the US where it is (one of 2) easier to involuntarily commit someone than in the other 48 , and it f*ck*d up my life , I believe

I'm so, so sorry. There are people advocating on behalf of people like you. The ability to (easily) check yourself into a mental hospital is VERY important.
No. I mean that it's important to be able to check yourself in voluntarily instead of against your will. In some areas, the only way you can get treatment is if you are involuntarily committed. And if you are involuntarily committed, they might keep you longer, even if they have no reason for doing so. The average stay at a mental hospital is 2-3 weeks.
I prefer light sabers anyhow. They make a great humming sound and are very menacing looking.
In close quarters, a knife is far better than a gun anyway. A person with a knife can attack a person wielding a gun before the gunner has time to aim much less fire. In the US, it's easy to get a knife. You can even order them online, even on Ebay. For long range defense, you might try a shotgun. Shotguns are the easiest type of firearm to get, likely because so many of TPTB are hunters.