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02 Jun 2014, 10:54 am

I see everything as science. I am obsessed about science. Science is my life. I could study an area of science for days at a time. I have 151 science topic textbooks at home.

People around me make fun of me and say things like "you need to relax and enjoy your life". Huh?? I relax by reading a textbook and I enjoy my life studying for a pharmacology degree, then a masters in neuroscience and then a PhD, hopefully in an area involved with schizophrenia research.

Why can't people understand that studying = extremely enjoyable for me?

What do I say to such people?

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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02 Jun 2014, 11:08 am

Maybe something a bit flippant like,

"I like to have fun. And for me, Science is fun."

I like going with slightly humorous responses to people who don't understand ASD behavior. It sort of says "It's not that big a deal."


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02 Jun 2014, 11:12 am

Tell them they need to relax and read more science.


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02 Jun 2014, 11:21 am

lol good responses.

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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02 Jun 2014, 11:21 am

In my opinion,most people only like giggling and stuff. No actual information transfer. This is a huge difference between aspergians and neurotypicals (information transfer):



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02 Jun 2014, 11:44 am

paxfilosoof wrote:
In my opinion,most people only like giggling and stuff. No actual information transfer. This is a huge difference between aspergians and neurotypicals (information transfer):


Not sure where you got that list, but it's a load of crap. >.>

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
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02 Jun 2014, 12:16 pm

My mom would phrase it "science is my happy place."

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02 Jun 2014, 2:22 pm

paxfilosoof wrote:
In my opinion,most people only like giggling and stuff. No actual information transfer. This is a huge difference between aspergians and neurotypicals (information transfer):


I don't think it is appropriate to belittle others for a "lack of information transfer" if you are yourself not going to be rigorous with the information you post.


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02 Jun 2014, 2:25 pm

Science is my world. I'm an engineer - we apply science to solve real world problems (or something ilke that).


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02 Jun 2014, 2:57 pm

SteelMaiden wrote:
I see everything as science. I am obsessed about science. Science is my life. I could study an area of science for days at a time. I have 151 science topic textbooks at home.

People around me make fun of me and say things like "you need to relax and enjoy your life". Huh?? I relax by reading a textbook and I enjoy my life studying for a pharmacology degree, then a masters in neuroscience and then a PhD, hopefully in an area involved with schizophrenia research.

Why can't people understand that studying = extremely enjoyable for me?

What do I say to such people?

That you enjoy intellectual pursuits and find them more fulfilling than anything else.

..then slap them with the biggest textbook you happen to have at hand ;)


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02 Jun 2014, 3:39 pm

Haha. I could recite homicide statistics to them too...

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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02 Jun 2014, 4:34 pm

I think you've found your calling.

Just tell people to mind their own business (in a nice way). You're doing your thing; they're doing theirs. Nothing must deter you from your calling. (A confirmation of the advice above).

Always remember: there's a guy who could barely move, sits (rather, lies) in a wheelchair all day, can only speak through a communicator--yet is THE authority on Quantum physics. He's also been married a few times, and has dumped a few women, too., rather unceremoniously.

His name is Stephen Hawking. He never let his Motor Neurone Disease get the better of him.


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02 Jun 2014, 5:03 pm

Your OP reminds me of something I read once about books: someone wrote that all books had the same invisible title: "How to be more like Me". Although this is a very cynical viewpoint, there is some truth in it.
And your post brought it to mind because this is what lies beneath what people are saying to you, about your science interest. (Hey, why don't you get over science and be more like me?) But only certain kinds of people would say that? What kinds?

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03 Jun 2014, 12:45 am

I love science as well ....I want to be a neuropsychologist


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03 Jun 2014, 1:22 am

I like science, and learning about it is enjoyable, and can be addicting.

I am not as into the normal stuff. I never get compelled to go partying and getting drunk. Seems like a whole lot of sensory overload to me. Headaches, earaches and stomach aches, and people getting pissed at me for being weird. I'm sorry, no way. I'll go for a jog, play some video games, make a drawing, read more science or a tech manual or a nice high detail map with elevation contours and all that nice stuff. Go to the airport and visit the air museum. Those are fun. To me.


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03 Jun 2014, 2:06 am

:lol: :)

I'm not sure what you can tell people for them to get it.

I was describing how I'd been reading book after book to a couple of friends and they were both like "uh, lighten up and enjoy yourself and be a little more social maybe.." & I just told them that it's how I/we are - we sometimes don't need or want to socialize for months, and typically read for knowledge, AND I like reading and learning things I'm interested in. I DO enjoy myself. Not sure they really got it. Although, that was back when my symptoms were stronger and I was reading quite a lot as well as avoiding people. Now that I'm more balanced, so is my life and the things I do. I still read for knowledge, but now it might take several weeks or more to get through a book vs. one every week or two.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.