I would choose not to be an Aspie. I know I am on meds now that have lessened the depression, anger, self-loathing and some self-esteem issues and have made me be more in control of my emotions and stop the outbursts, but I still would choose to be NT any day. Having Asperger's does make me feel like an outsider, when I want to feel like an insider. I would love to be able to be less socially awkward and have a better ability to make and keep friends and be out and about more. I feel like the Asperger's is stopping me from doing that. I know I could meet people with the same interests as me....but I don't think I'm going to meet many people that are obsessed with a certain bus company and all it's drivers. I speak to one person on Facebook who appears to be obsessed with the same bus company I'm obsessed with, but I see on his profile that he is happily in a relationship and might feel uncomfortable being seen out with a girl, even though we would just be friends but I do know a lot about how local people gossip.
But anyway, drifted away a bit there. But, yes, I would love to not have Asperger's. It would also be so nice to just walk around a town without being laughed at. I know I don't do anything weird to encourage it, blah blah blah blah.... (and if anyone says ''you probably do without realising it'' then just shut up because I know I don't and I'm not going all into it), but I must give off some sort of vibe that just tells people that I am nervous or unconfident and for some reason people find it so hilarious (not all people, thank God). But, yeah, it would be nice to be able to just have some dignity.