I would say that both of my parents (definitly my dad, possibly with my mom) have borderline AS and possible ADD. My little brother, however, has low-functoning autistism and , well, I just don't really like him very much . I belive my uncle (On my mother's side) has high-functoning autisim, though it's not as bad as his kids nor my brother. One of my cousins also has some autisim in him. Not as much as his dad, me, nor my parents, but it isn't as bad as my little brother's. My second cousin . . . well, I don't know what he has but it certainitly isn't NT . My third cousin, I havn't seen her enough to tell for sure.
If you count desesed relatives, My mom has a big sister with severe issues who died from a vessel breaking in her brain (forgot what that's called) when she was 15 (The dead sister, not my mom) or so.
And I think that's about it. I'll post again if I find out about other realitives.