I was just wondering if everyone with AS generally has just one topic of interest that they focus on or do they change or do you have multiple focuses?
For example, I think at about 10 years old my first obsession started with knowing all the types of dinosaurs, land, air and water varieties and even what period they lived in, size etc. Then at about 12 I had a focus on model trains, operating, collecting, and building them. Later around 16 I started a car phase primarily with exotic cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus etc. I knew, makes, models, engine stats, performance stats, prices, whether they were available in the US or Europe etc. Now the car phase is still active even now at 48, but in a lesser sense. I have in the process picked up other focuses which I concentrated in a very detailed way and pretty much bored everyone I know by talking endlessly about the subjects. Some of the more recent focuses have lasted anywhere from a month to a year or so. Recently they included Secular Humanism, The Old Testament, War strategies of WWII and related history, DNA research and ancestry, and medical research of diseases and vitamins. I learned an enormous amount of information from all the focuses, but I was primarily wondering if others have also experienced changes of focuses from time to time or stayed on the same one your whole life?