I'm a lighter sleeper, so I barely sleep through noise, except if the noise is quite quiet or if I'm right in a deep sleep. But I use an alarm on my phone to wake me up, otherwise I would wake up whenever my body's ready. I thought that was normal, as most people I know rely on alarms to wake them up.
What I do is set 3 alarms on my phone; the first one for just over an hour before I have to get up, the second one for about 15 minute I have to get up, then the final one for the time I have to get up. I do this because it's nice to wake up and know you still have another hour of sleep so it gives you a chance to turn over and go back to sleep and perhaps have a dream (I like dreaming). Then I get awoken by the next alarm and I know I have to get up soon so I sort of drift off into a very light sleep, then the final alarm goes off and I feel more ready to get up. I used to just set one alarm and had to get out of bed as soon as that one alarm went off, and so didn't give me a chance to wake up fully.
I don't feel groggy for the rest of the day though, only for about half hour or so at the most. I usually wake up groggy when interrupted during an afternoon nap. Sometimes I have woke up wondering what time of the day it was. Once I was in the middle of an afternoon nap and was woken by a noise outside, but I must have been very drowsy because my brain was still half-asleep, and I wondered out into the kitchen and found myself pouring cereal into a cup. Then my mum came in and asked why I wasn't having cereal in a bowl, and I was like ''oh yes....'' and got out a bowl.