General anaesthesia or heavy sedation are good options. Just that my GP seems to interpret my Asperger's diagnosis as "high functioning, mild autism", when in fact my much more experienced psychiatrist says I present as "moderate autism" with need of support with daily skills.
it sounds like the GP is using the very common old useage of mild autism to mean aspergers,when aspergers obviously can be mild,moderate or severe high functioning autism,this is a throwback to the times when HFA was just becoming discovered.
the label shoudnt actualy matter as to whether they allow GA or sedation,its the needs of a person that cause need for GA/sedation versus the risk of not having something done that makes them decide on whether its worth it or not,the gp shoud not be basing it on a label.
will need to ask the community nurse of the mental health team [am assuming theyre CPN?] or the team pysch to intervene and explain why its needed.
they dont like sedating for normal medical procedures/tests unless its seen by them as an absolute necesary because of the risks from medicating already heavily medicated patients;its midazolam [a hardcore benzo] they usualy use for more heavier sedation and that slows breathing down so they have to pay for anaesthetists to be on stand by and it can only be given with doctors in presence so will only be able to take it whilst in hospital-if are anything like self woud be stressed to the max before going there and also like self; regular benzos dont work as am both a long time daily & PRN user of them.
woud also be told not to take any benzos around the day of the test,and any other medications that clash so that might be a problem with getting to the hospital as well.
all medical tests of mine apart from basic xrays are done under heavy sedation or general anaesthetic,am due a MRI scan under midazolam.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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