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25 Jun 2014, 2:37 pm

This post is about a couple different things.

First of all, therapy... my therapist discontinued DBT because she felt an Aspie wouldn't do well in a group setting after she saw AS traits in me, but my psychiatrist got mad at this and she thinks I need the DBT whatever my dx is. I see the therapist tomorrow. Should I insist they continue DBT, or ignore the doctor and keep going with AS talk therapy? I know both types of therapy would be beneficial probably.

Second I failed again to get my husband to understand. My husband saw a kid and tried to talk to him and he wouldn't say anything back and he told his mother "This one doesn't talk!" and she said "He's autistic, he doesn't know how". Later I said I had the same thing as the little boy but I could talk. Ummm.... I gave up trying to explain, he can't see the connection. He also doesn't see what social problems has to do with special interests, he can't cohesively put it together in his mind. My husband understands my mood disorder, but not this, but he doesn't think there is anything wrong with me beyond my mood disorder so in his mind we are making up a disorder out of stuff that is not a problem, especially since my social problems are not as bad as an adult as they were when I was a child.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020


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25 Jun 2014, 3:03 pm

Can't you do both therapies? Sometimes it is beneficial to have group AND individual therapy at the same time. Do YOU get anything our of DBT because if that is the case then I would continue despite what your therapist might think.

In regards to your husband I would recommend the book "22 Things A Woman with Asperger's Wants Her Partner to Know." Talk about the book with him or read it yourself and highlight certain parts for your husband to read if he doesn't want to read the whole thing. Try and get him to little by little to understand that Autism is a SPECTRUM. Where you are is on one end and the kid that did not talk is on another part of the spectrum. See if that helps.

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25 Jun 2014, 3:16 pm

Can't you get DBT as an individual therapy? All the cases of DBT I've read about were individual therapy - I didn't even know you could do group DBT.


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25 Jun 2014, 7:11 pm

Maybe ask husband to let you work on one hing at a time, I mean, does henknow he is stressing you out right now?


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25 Jun 2014, 7:24 pm

To think about it some more, my husband doesn't completely understand bipolar either, but he knows there is a problem. And DBT they have you do group and individual at same time but individual therapy during DBT is about DBT I think.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon

Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...

FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020