Rep, either on- or offline, shouldn't matter all that much. I have the feeling that, for a lot of people here, the way they imagine their reputation must be like, is more a reflection of how they perceive themselves, or more specifically the parts of themselves that they dislike. And I can rlate to that, because I'm often afflicted by similar insecurities. Yes, I too worry about how I come across to other people. But if I worry about it all the time, I'll just lock myself down.
Offline, I don't have a reputation per se, but I do know that I am perceived as a very aloof, distant person, with a severe lack of a sense of humour and a kind of haughty demeanor.
Online, either on CBR or here on WP, I'm fairly confident that I'm not well-known enough to have a reputation. Which is a blessing, really.
clarity of thought before rashness of action