wozeree wrote:
Death Cab for Cutie
Ah yes, one of my favourites. Narrow Stairs was both an album that provided a soundtrack to a relationship and the inevitable hard breakup afterwards. There's a few tracks on Anberlin's New Surrender that played on the breakup soundtrack too.
My experience with music is a little strange, I think so at least. I could one day put on a favourite album and not be able to listen to it, because my brain wants to hear something very precise. I was like that this morning and I knew what album it wanted to hear to relax and so I could actually get started with the morning routine. I was thinking a lot about the band and trying my best to just put them out of my mind, but no, I had to listen to their album. And after I did I was able to start the day.
Another time when I was seeing a band that night I couldn't listen to them in the morning. I was cringing at the singer's voice. But I put the album on in the afternoon and could enjoy it more. This was after the singer said I could come in that night and take photos of the band.
I basically listen to specific bands/artists during certain moods or if I have that band's song in my head. If I don't listen to that song in my head I won't be able to relax. So, I usually just listen to the whole album the song is on on repeat.
I agree, there are some great songwriters today. I particularly fond of Dallas Green from City and Colour. But there are many artists I love. I sometimes take the songs too literally and think they about the person who is singing, forgetting that another band member may have penned the song or it's a concept song that is entirely fictional. But I get very emotionally moved by some lyrics and try to work out why the writer wrote the song that they did, that is once I think I have worked out the meaning behind it. Then my friend who is also a good song writer explains the meaning and I get a bit embarrassed for getting it so wrong.
I like to relate certain songs to certain situations in my life too. Even when I know the songs aren't really that serious I still like to relate to them. I've even had a few songs written about me. One indirectly refers to me and one is so clear it's like I'm being accused of something. It's not the most flattering song because it's about me being scared and sad but I still love the writer to death. He never released the song though and the only remaining versions are with him and on my iPad.