I have a depressing subject in my head

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25 Jun 2014, 12:32 pm

I keep thinking about this.

Any idea how to stop thinking about it?


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25 Jun 2014, 12:53 pm

You didn't say what it is you're thinking about but I suppose it doesn't matter. Sometimes you just have to let a thought run it's course, so to speak. You obviously can't "just stop thinking about it," and purposely distracting yourself is only a temporary solution. You'll keep thinking about it until you've satisfied yourself that there is no "solution" to the "problem." Accepting something doesn't mean agreeing with it, or liking it or even tolerating it. It just means knowing that it's too big to go away.

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25 Jun 2014, 1:17 pm

I find this gets worse with age, lost a lot of nights thinking about depressing topics, makes me envy my childhood where the only concern was fun.

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25 Jun 2014, 1:59 pm

I'm starting to learn that too much distraction can make things worse because you are essentially working against what you need to express. It's why I think distraction can be quite damaging.

Be meditative with it if you can. Live in the moment you are in and any emotion that comes your way don't resist it. Just allow it to happen and don't judge it. We often make situations worse by judging the emotions and therefore making scenarios possibly worse than they already are. So, we feel something and then we don't want to feel something (an emotion in itself) which makes us feel the original feeling much more!

So, I say, try to let it be. It might cripple you at times if its really depressing but just know that you won't always be depressed over it. It comes to a head and then an end if one lets it just be.


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25 Jun 2014, 8:45 pm

It gets even harder when your brain starts to go over every negative aspect that ever happened in your life. From the time you were an infant to the present day. I have a strong tendency of doing that and it doesn't make life easier to put it mildly. It's like putting your whole life under a horrifying magnifying glass. Everything gets so much worse than it really was and is. A total waste of time.


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26 Jun 2014, 12:58 am

Think about something else. Or nothing at all.

It's that simple.

We're capable of one thought at a time - often in rapid succession, but only one thought can occupy our minds at a time.

So, quite literally.. it's as simple as thinking about something else.

The very best thing to think about, always, is the present moment. Focus on where you are, what you're doing etc and you won't be thinking about something else from the past or be worrying about something that may or may not happen in the future. "Be present," is some of the best advice I've ever been given.

Alternatively, you could think about nothing. i.e. do meditation and just clear your mind. Try the series of guided meditation lessons from http://www.freemeditation.com

But if you're the type that prefers some sort of therapy, or would like to try it to see if it works, I got a lot of value out of reading Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns. It's about 700 pages but very very valuable. It's basically a how to guide to self administered written Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to treat depression/anxiety/ocd etc. I got a lot out of it a couple of years ago.

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26 Jun 2014, 2:15 am

I've got the same issue. I think about my past bad experiences and how they influenced my life. I think I've encountered too many people in my life who think bad of me, I can't trust anyone :(.

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27 Jun 2014, 12:21 pm

Thanks all it passed yesterday.