Al725 wrote:
The thing that is unrealistic about this is the fact that he's in a regular classroom. I'am high functioning enough to have never needed speacial ed, but I certainly did not behave like that.
some high functioning autistic students did/do,especialy now as schools try to integrate more severely affected students into mainstream schooling in the name of equality [AKA closing down special schools to save money].
judging from replies as well as the rough view had seen of it without sound [sound is useless on laptop] , it seems the boy portrays severe but HF autism,he isnt LF classic autistic as he woud not be in mainstream schooling-he woud have severe challenging behaviors and complex needs that mainstream schooling still cannot cope with.
and just because he is echolalic or requiring symbols to mentaly and visualy process things doesnt automaticaly mean he is classic autistic, a lot of aspies are echolalic as kids and woud probably be given visual supports to help them now, this video is not portraying schooling from us eighties/seventies etc autistics thankfuly otherwise there woud be a very different attitude and behavior from the teachers [from an LFA perspective; daily beating,rough physical restraint, holding down to force eye contact,holding down and attempt to force speech copying etc].
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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