a_dork wrote:
Aspies can be manipulative. How well they can manipulate is another story. Since manipulation requires insight into the mindset of other people, I doubt an Aspie would be naturally inclined to be manipulate others. If an Aspie does appear to have manipulating abilities, they probably learned it like they would any social skill.
I am quite high functioning in terms of holding down a job, living indepently and having a circle of friends - but I've never learned to manipulate well. Maybe that's because I never wanted to or because thought it was bad ethically, rather than because I'm incapable of learning it?
Or maybe I'm more mind-blind than I thought I was, even if my skills for coping with life in general are quite good?
Some of the people who I suspect of being manipulative
seem like they're 'more autistic' than me but I guess people are more or less impaired in different aspects of their lives.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.