Kiriae wrote:
I have trouble translating the "right" and "left" words to actual sides. I need to think: right is the side of the hand I write, the side the pasager sits in a car(in my country) etc. Thats why I usually say "this side<points>", or "your side/my side", "like the orange house" instead of using "left / right".
Same here. When I'm giving directions (and I seem to have the kind of face that says "ask me for directions!" so it happens quite often) I'll use my hands to indicate which direction people need to go in. And frequently I'll find myself saying "you need to go left" while gesturing to the right. The gestures are correct, but the wrong word will come out. (I've actually said to people "if I say 'left' or 'right' you need to watch my hands, not listen to what I'm saying." Which doesn't make things any less confusing.)
Vice versa, if someone gives me directions, I have to picture myself following the route they're describing, and I may very easily picture myself turning left when the person has told me to turn right. And then I get lost