Does everyone else on here have a specific schedule or just a set of things that you do everyday? For example, do you do things at a certain time everyday or do you just do the same things, but the time may vary? For myself, I am thinking about setting up a schedule of things I do everyday, at certain times. Right now, it varies (ex: getting up... may be between 5:45am and 7:30am).
--Nyx-- What an astonishing thing a book is. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you... Carl Sagan
I love systemizing my tasks! At any given moment I have a general idea of my schedules six months out. As my schedules get closer to happening, more details are planned. Day to day, I have several tasks that are scheduled to the minute. I actually anticipate them. But, then, I don't work anymore and it helps me stay on topic and feel like I still have routines.
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)
I just do things the way I usually do them, I am not really tied to a particular time on the clock. I can't anyway as my sleep is too erratic and the drs won't give me a sleep study to make sure its not a sleep disorder.
My night time sleep is around 5 to 7 hours but even when I get 7 hours or so sleep I suffer from ongoing daytime drowsiness. I am not really tired, I don't lack physical energy or want to go to sleep as such, its more of a drowsy thing as though I have been sedated by a strong drug. It comes and goes throughout the day to varying degrees. I only have short naps though usually (unless I am very sleep deprived from a run of 4 or 5 hours sleep at night) so they don't add up along with my night-time sleep to more than 10 hours a day. so the problem can't be hypersomnia. I sleep no more than anyone else, I just can't regulate my sleep properly.
Whilst anxiety and depression can give me insomnia, alleviating any stress or mood upsets won't normalise my ability to sleep and remove the daytime drowsiness.
I am now very frustrated talking about it to people as it severly affects my ability to function which means I can't get things done. AS I am also a larger person (and struggling to lose weight despite a healthy diet and exercise) people just think I am fat and lazy. I can't get anyone to understand I can't wake up properly, and when I do its only for a few hours here and there until I go drowsy again. I may be able to stay awake over the drowsiness but I don't always remember what I did during that time and I can't process things properly.
I will and can fall asleep anywhere when drowsy and have nodded off on the bus, during car journey (as a passenger) and whilst awaiting appointments at places like the opticians.
I wont' use gives me anxiety like symptoms (such as palpitations and dizziness) that I don't get when I don't drink it and it doesn't work anyway. It won't actually stop me going drowsy or stop me from sleeping.
I had hoped the paleo diet would correct it as it has helped other people with their sleep but it has not done the same for me. I guess it improved it a bit (reduction in number of naps needed, better sleep at night) but that's about it.
I don't want tablets as they don't help much and they can make my other sleep issues worse or bring them back on sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations whilst falling off asleep (or basically falling straight into a dream) and a tendency to do odd things in my kip such as get up, change my clothes and get back into bed again/sleep walking/throwing myself out of bed/or just waking either for the loo on and off all night or for no reason at all.
Those latter issues are quiet on the paleo diet (except going straight into a dream or dreaming before I have even completely nodded off thing) and I'd rather not have them back again. They don't really help with sleep quality.
Last edited by bumble on 07 Jul 2014, 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Aspie Utah, how do you keep track of everything... especially that far out. Shoot, I can't even remember when I have something to do next week. I try to write everything down (appointments etc) in a calendar to remind myself, but otherwise I forget.... It's like I have a vague idea that I have something coming up next week but don't remember the day or the time. Does that make sense? so how do you keep track of everything so well?
--Nyx-- What an astonishing thing a book is. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you... Carl Sagan
I sort of have a set order that I attempt to follow followed by whatever task(s) I have planned for the day again followed by my daily ending tasks. With my erratic and poor sleep, FMS/CFS, and caring for my 86 year old mom things tend to be somewhat altered as to when they happen. I don't care for this at all as I like set schedules however with my physical condition and my mother's needs, it is the best I can do. It would be nice if I had help with mom, but that is not to be. NO one helps and in case of sibling, he is just like a vulture circling waiting for her/me to drop. I suppose I should be used to it however it still riles me greatly.
I don't know why I should expect help anyhow my being defective and all. The rest of the world is too busy being the hateful selfs that they are and when they do turn their attentions towards me, it is usually in a very negative manner. I am to the point I HATE this life and I hang on strictly to take care of her, the only human that gives a damn about me. After that? Who knows. Since being defective as I am (FMS, CFS, AS, Cervical and Spinal stenosis to name a few), I am to most basically sub-human if that. Once I pass they will be fighting like animals over the few possessions I have. And people wonder why I don't want anything to do with them...
Hehe. I dunno, actually. I mentally systemize my tasks with the vague help of an online calendar. But, like I said, the plans I make six months in advance are usually just remembering that I have "a telephone review with Social Security." Plans for the next month are much more detailed, and those for the next week are very detailed (times). This ability certainly helped me when I was in politics and, in college, when I was in movie theatre work (the show must go on; on time!). Now, I use the ability to run my life, not other things.
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)