Problems with A&E and ambulances etc.
I was just lambasted on a mental health forum for not going to A&E last night when I was having frightening neurological symptoms. The people on that forum said that I shouldn't post about what my symptoms are and that I should go straight to A&E.
I cannot go to A&E on my own. I get severe meltdowns, screaming, hitting people, throwing things, self harm etc. I have actually been arrested by the police under the Mental Health Act and also the Mental Capacity Act for what I have done. They forced me into a psych ward which did NOT help and I ended up on a 28 day section.
I can't call ambulances because I struggle big time with phone calls, and I have tried to smash my way out of ambulances before, because the lights were so bright, the air con was blowing in my face, the paramedics were trying to prod me, and the siren was on.
i don't know how to explain to the people who had a go at me on that forum that I can't just simply take myself to A&E.
I can't even go to the newsagents to get sweets or whatever on bad days. On good days, I still need a support worker or friend to help me go to places that I either am not familiar with or that are far away.
I am preferred nonverbal now and talking to strangers is just bloody impossible.
I live on my own with external support but the external support is limited in terms of when they can help me.
I don't know how I could go to A&E if I get another frightening episode of neurological symptoms. I don't know what to do, I'm stuck. I faxed my GP but I have no idea when she will contact me (hopefully NOT by phone!).
My friend is coming tomorrow, would it be a good idea for him to take me to a walk-in centre and help me to get medical advice?
Do you understand how bad this is? I am not very well at all physically and I have things like losing the ability to walk, collapsing every time I stand up, vomiting, double vision, episodes of disorientation and confusion, etc. But I cannot just switch off my autism and go to A&E and get help. I do not want to be sectioned for the 10th time in 5 years. I don't want another record on my name.
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.
If anyone 'has a go at you' concerning your issues or life in general, don't bother trying to explain anything to them - they clearly don't prioritize helping you or not posting above being aggressive and possibly worsening your situation.
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what you can do. I've read a lot of your posts, and any suggestions I could make you have deemed impossible.
The only thing I can see working is that you have a professional aiding you at all times when you require medical treatment etc. Acquiring a committed professional would be difficult, based on your past posts.
Unapologetically, Norny.

-chronically drunk
Thanks. I will ask my support worker if she can help me in such situations but the contract I've got doesn't involve out of hours support.
Now I'm in a foul mood as I've been screaming all morning due to sensory overload of having my period. Still my GP hasn't got back to me about my periods and she seems to think it's a minor problem.
I don't know if a note could be put on the NHS system that I'm autistic and if I seek help for medical things I can get assistance for accessing the emergency departments.
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.
I'm frightened of A&E and ambulances too. You're not alone. Let me explain an experience I had this week.
To cut a long story short I was severely depressed, and planning suicide - except I got locked in my own house so I couldn't take action. Anyway, I had doctors come out to see me that night, and they was adamant I was going to hospital.
Ambulance came. I was forced into it. I felt trapped, I couldn't get out. I kept asking the paramedics "how far is it now". I went completely stiff, my heart rates was 200bpm. I was stuck in a serious panic attack. A friend had to call me to try and calm me down but it didn't work. I told the lady to stop the ambulance I need to get out. She refused.
Finally got to the hospital. I was shaking so bad. I went in and the lady said I HAVE to sit in the ward and wait to be seen. I told her no, I am sitting outside. She said if I leave the ward she will call the police. I had major sensory overload. A panic attack is an understatement. I tried begging with the lady that I had to sit outside. I was literally crying, a 29 year old man crying to the nurse. She said "If you escape it's on my head, so no". At this point I could hardly talk I was so frightened. I had nobody there for me. I was in a state of crisis with depression.
In the end I shouted and swore and walked out and sat outside. Even outside I was so scared. So I called a taxi, and went back home.
I hate the god damn place. Always have. I never got treated that night, as a result of this though I ended up in a worse mess where I tried to kill myself again.
I will still refuse to go to hospital or in an ambulance.
A&E is awful. Sorry to hear about your bad experience.
I ended up being pinned down to the ground by three police officers for two hours in A&E. They then sectioned me, dragged me up while I was kicking and screaming, handcuffed me and literally carried me into a police van because I was freaking out so much that I couldn't walk (and anyhow I did NOT want to be forced into the psych ward, hence sectioned).
And "Places of Safety" (ie where one is forced into after a Section 136 of the Mental Health Act - a police sectioning power) are AWFUL. I had my glasses and phone taken off me, despite the fact that I have bad sight problems and rely on my glasses to function, and I was nonverbal so not having my speech app on my phone meant I couldn't communicate my basic needs. The nurses watched me through a window but never asked me if I needed anything etc., for 8 hours.
Basically: more autism awareness is needed!!
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.

I had to look this up. I means Accident and Emergency. British equivalent to the American ER (Emergency Room).
Like in America, they can take away your rights if they deem you a danger to yourself or others.
In the end I shouted and swore and walked out and sat outside. Even outside I was so scared. So I called a taxi, and went back home.
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear this went so badly for you. I don't know, but it sounds like you might be struggling with a mixture of anxiety and paranoia. And struggling to keep some sense of control. I hate this feeling - if you can approach the doctors under your own terms it might go better. But medication (esp. Seroquel) has helped me tremendously to manage such symptoms.