As a child, I picked up a bird book out of the school library... it fascinated me so I memorized it. Then it branched out into other books (not just about birds but some plant and mammal and other books too) and setting up bird feeders. So I went to college for a Zoology degree. Then afterwards I had several short-term jobs involving birds where I learned to be a better birdwatcher, because earlier I had not interest in learning bird songs but I had to for my jobs and now identifying the sounds birds make is my favorite part. I don't have a car so I can't go anywhere, but when I do go out I even have an app where I can instantly record location, time and bird seen (it supports entering bander's codes, I can look up a bird just typing three or four letters) and send them off to a website. The special interest lives on.
In college I was writing a story and wanted to include Sonic the Hedgehog characters in the story. So I went on some websites researching the characters. This sparked a fascination and also remembering when I played the games earlier in my life. So I studied the games, bought the games, wrote informal guides about the games, made art, made 3D models, etc... but this interest, despite my avatar, has pretty much become dead now.
I wonder, do interests that appear earlier in life tend to stick around longer, or is it just unpredictable the fate of a particular interest?
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020