KingdomOfRats wrote:
1mg lorazepam is very low,thats why its not working greatly,they will probably work out the dose as it goes along based on how it presents.
had been on lorazepam for a long time,found it just like diazepam but a bit longer lasting.
temazepam was the best vallium form had ever taken.
You're probably right. Doctor will be out to visit tomorrow to decide on the dose. It's the ONLY tablet that I have found has worked for anxiety and depression so far.
Felt an attack coming on all day so I took one. Within 45 minutes I was normal. No anxious thoughts, no bad thought. Felt a bit sleepy, and a bit "high" but was functioning perfectly normal.
I ended up lying on the bed relaxing to music watching the trees move outside. Very therapeutic. Until I started laughing at the trees. I was making shapes out of the branches - like people do with clouds - and it was causing me to giggle.
Apart from that though I am very satisfied with these medications!