I communicate better in writing than I can verbally as I can have trouble with thought process whening having to speak to people.
I often can't think of anything to say, will say the wrong thing, will get a reaction I was not expecting from others or will forget half of what I wanted to say.
I can have trouble with finding the right cue to speak and can accidently talk over people by mistake.
I don't have any friends either but then I don't really crave any. I have a very low social drive, don't enjoy girly chit chats, don't like generalised social chit chat either, need a lot of alone time, don't like company much of the time, find socialising exhausting, prefer to do a lot of activities on my own, get tired from socialising very quickly, and can't cope with the complex emotions NT females have. I only seem to crave a life partner but don't seem to enjoy the company of other humans, even the ones I like.
I can find other humans far too negative and too emotional for me. In short I find human relationships too complicated and I don't cope with conflict because I don't know how to resolve it.
I am confused by the worlds of other humans and cannot understand them.
I used to want to study them when I was younger (humans) as I had an interest in psychology. I was trying to figure them out as they have always confuddled me.