I do get overwhelmed with responsibility, like washing, cleaning my teeth, shaving legs, etc. But I don't want to not do those things because taking care of yourself is important and I don't want to go around smelling. But I try to make myself look presentable and attractive enough without putting too many tasks in my daily routine, like putting on make-up. I only put on make-up on a special occasion like if I'm going out to have a meal or to a wedding or something, otherwise I only put lipstick on and that's it. And I try to keep an easy hairstyle, keep my hair well groomed but where it's not too much maintenance.
I get a bit scared of some things, but I can't think of what at this moment. I get scared of taking medicines what could change my poop (like giving me diarrhoea), but I'm not sure if that counts. Otherwise, I do get irritable and impatient more when outdoors (without showing it). Here are a few things that irritate me inwardly:-
Cars creeping up behind me when I'm walking along somewhere like a quiet lane where not many cars go, and I got to walk right on the side or in the gutter or something. It's especially annoying when the car has just come to turn around, and it creeps back again.
When I'm in a shop and people always want to get where I'm standing, no matter where I happen to be standing. It annoys me more when there's only like two other people in the whole shop and somebody still wants to get where I'm standing. It just irritates, like I said, and makes me lose concentration on the item I was trying to look for.
Small kids near me. Usually parents seem to like standing right in my personal space with their toddler or toddlers, even if there's plenty of space around. I can bear it if the kids are quiet, but when they are the noisy type or won't stand still and behave, I get agitated.
When I'm sitting at a table in a restaurant and there are loads of other tables completely empty, and a family come in with about five noisy hyper kids and they sit at the table right next to me, and even pull two tables together to make it into a bigger table for all of them to sit, even though there are bigger empty tables at the other side of the restaurant where I'm sitting furthest away from.
When I'm on the bus and there are empty seats available, and somebody still comes and sits next to me, and when even more empty seats become available they don't move, and then look annoyed when I need them to get up when I want to get off.