First, I self-diagnosed about four years ago (in my 50s), took every online test, several times, and consistently got the same high results and the advisement to "seek professional advice". But, my insurance does not readily cover such things, as far as I could figure out, and I did not have money.
Then, I went to a (free) therapist/councilor type person for quite a few visits related to something bad that happened to me that I was trying to get over, (not really connected to AS, except that AS might have to do with why I got victimized). While I was seeing this therapist, I mentioned that it looked like AS was a possibility for me as well. She only had a bit of experience with more severely autistic kids, and never had diagnosed an adult with Asperger's. Also, she is not an MD, and could not provide an official diagnosis. But, she did have training and experience in the DSM (4 at that time), and had worked on other kinds of diagnosis. So we spent a whole session going over it together, and it was confirmative.
Then I got some money to pay for a full assessment by an MD. I am posting all this because I myself had many questions about this process, and I have seen others here with the same questions. So, clearly some people are looking for information on this subject. Hence;
I am in West Coast, USA. The whole thing cost just shy of $900. It involved an initial, very extensive, personal and family history, general mental health screening, and some other stuff (this was on paper before the first visit). Then I saw the MD for about 45 minutes and we went over my answers. Then he recommended the full assessment with the clinic's specialist (the place only does AS assessment and therapy). My visit with the assessment specialist was a two and one half hour, in-person interview which included at least three standardized paper tests (she asked me questions and filled it out), several role-play type exercises, a later phone call to a person who knows me well, (which I gave written permission for, but was not involved in), plus about six email follow-ups from me to questions she had asked in the interview that I had later thoughts on (she invited me to do this.) It also contained a very detailed look at a questionnaire my mother had done about what I was like as a child.
Then, back to the MD who by this time (two weeks later) had already reviewed everything with the assessment person. Then, I was given a very detailed written diagnostic description of all my traits that fit AS and a written diagnosis of having an autism spectrum condition (DSM 5 edition), as well as the PTSD that I have and already know (too much) about. Also, they provided many recommendations for books, groups, appropriate counciling for AS people and other resources.
I have no idea how I feel really, except exhausted and drained. I knew it was true, so there is no surprise there. I'd like to say, "I told you so" to someone. But sort of strangely, I don't really feel like talking about it at this point to anyone, except those of you here who might find it of use to know. And the cat.
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.